Drive block mix not working as it should?

Michael Engel

I have been seaching around for an answer but havent found one yet and i'm struggling trying to find my own way around this.

I want to have a drive block working independently, like it was a real pedal plugged into the the axe fx. If i turn the drive block on it will stay on even though if i switch presets or scenes. I do this already with my chorus by using a switch to control the "mix". I love this since it gives me the freedom to add chorus whenever i want. BUT, the drive block "mix" isnt like the "mix" on the other blocks:cry why is that? when its all the way down the signal should be as if the block was bypassed but instead the signal just get very weak. I tried adding level the same time, but that doesn't work really well either..
Any suggestions? i guess i could use a mixer, but how?

Correct the drive mix is different.
Putting the mix parameter to 0% in a Drive block is not equivalent to bypassing it. The Mix parameter is before the tone control. This allows you to mix the dry in with the driven signal but still maintain overall tone control.
I have noticed this also, I am going to look into it again tomorrow myself. But I do remember trying to turn the mix down because i was trying to preserve the tone of the amp and everything got lower in volume. Is this what you are experiencing also?
I guess I have to think about this, I would think turning the mix back to zero would allow the tone of the amp shine through. This way you could add a very slight amount of drive to help with sustain and controlled feedback. How do you use it with this mix controlled in this manor?
maybe drive block in parallel with a shunt block and merging them with the mixer block. and using and IA switch as external controller to choose which signal comes out of the mixer block, would it do what u are trying?

I have been seaching around for an answer but havent found one yet and i'm struggling trying to find my own way around this.

I want to have a drive block working independently, like it was a real pedal plugged into the the axe fx. If i turn the drive block on it will stay on even though if i switch presets or scenes. I do this already with my chorus by using a switch to control the "mix". I love this since it gives me the freedom to add chorus whenever i want. BUT, the drive block "mix" isnt like the "mix" on the other blocks:cry why is that? when its all the way down the signal should be as if the block was bypassed but instead the signal just get very weak. I tried adding level the same time, but that doesn't work really well either..
Any suggestions? i guess i could use a mixer, but how?

I also am frustrated by this. I would like to control the amount of pedal drive with an expression pedal. This means tailoring the curve on the mix parameter so that its minimum value starts at around 20-40% in order to keep the level about the same as it would be if there was no drive. However, there is always some colour added to the basic amp sound. The only way to avoid this is to attach a controller to the bypass parameter as suggested above, but that is an on/off solution only and doesn't allow for smooth graduation. I really don't understand what the thinking was behind re-designing the drive block to behave in this way.
Maybe just putting it in parallel and turning the mix all the way up and then use the output level to get the desired effect. I have never tried that so I do not know if this will work.
I was able to make this work by running a two volume/pan blocks in parallel. Both volume/pan blocks are controlled by the same modifier/expression pedal. The parallel chain volume/pan block with a drive pedal following it would increase it's volume when the expression pedal is pressed down. The initial chain volume/pan block would decrease in volume when the expression pedal is pressed down. This way, you fade out your clean signal and fade in your drive signal at the same time with the same pedal. You could even set it up where your delay or reverb mix goes up or down when you use that same pedal which could be cool for building up into a cool solo part or something. Maybe not perfect, but it works for me.
I put my drive block in parallel today and turned the mix all the way up and used the level and drive to control the effect amount. This seemed to really work well I didn't seem to lose the tone of the amp and with just a touch of the drive I was able to get a good controlled feedback at a lower volume. I'm still not tuned in completely with it but this seems to be doing exactly what I was trying to do.
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