Do you run your Axe-FX II in stereo when performing live?

I'm the only guitarist in the band
I run two different amp models, one panned hard left, the other panned hard right
my backline is stereo.. both cabs are mic'd..
on stage I personally get that wide / fat stereo tone
last time I looked at the FoH mixing desk my channels were panned apart but not really wide
the effect of the 2 channels out front is generally very good when the two amp models blend..
to be honest.. I don't ever recall my two channels being panned on top of each other in mono..
the only truly stereo effect I use is reverb cos it's smoother to my ears..
I may be summoning the spirit of Jay by mentioning this, but there is a difference between "stereo" and "L+R".
I would love to run stereo onstage...I have a K10 and 2 K12s. However, it would be nice to have something smaller, as I would like to run the cabs in front of me so that I get the full stereo effect (for the mojo). Mono to FOH would be fine... Anyone got any ideas on a couple of small FRFR powered cabs that would project a nice onstage monitor w/small footprint?
I apologize for not being a more active participant in this thread but life got in the way so I didn't have time to spend on my computer since I first posted. That being said, thanks for all of the great comments and insights. It is very helpful to hear so many different perspectives. After reading the many comments I'm going to hold on to both of my K12s so that I can test this out for myself.

To those who posted on this thread, thanks again for taking the time to offer your experience and insight.

I just saw that version 2.0 of the Axe2 firmware was released. I'm off to download and install it. The reviews sound great!

All the best,
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I'm the only guitarist in the band
I run two different amp models, one panned hard left, the other panned hard right
my backline is stereo.. both cabs are mic'd..
on stage I personally get that wide / fat stereo tone
last time I looked at the FoH mixing desk my channels were panned apart but not really wide
the effect of the 2 channels out front is generally very good when the two amp models blend..
to be honest.. I don't ever recall my two channels being panned on top of each other in mono..
the only truly stereo effect I use is reverb cos it's smoother to my ears..

YES! This is what I do, except i havn't tried with two amp models. I just use my live patch and put the enhancer effect on the patch and put it stereo through my atomic 50/50 poweramp. gives it that really wide sound, almost as if we had two guitarists.
Stereo on stage and FOH. In many presets I'm using the enhancer and stereo delays in solos, this makes a really nice sound in the hall. How you've said - sounds almost like 2 guitars.
I use stereo for listening to music or if I want to record something (which is pretty rare), but I always play live in mono because that's what our system supports due to channel limitations and amp configuration. It's cool to have some stereo effects, but they're often lost or sound wierd unless you sit in the middle anyway.
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