Do I really need Ultra?

First of all sorry about my poor english ;)

I'm a guitar player of a heavy/power metal band and i don't know what kind of axefx will be perfect for me.
I know that ultra has more dsp power and some many effects in, but what seems to me is that the ultra is preferred mostly for doing stereo preset with 2amps and 2 cabs. I think that is really awesome but I will not use my axefx to record so often and when i'll use it i will record and reamp 1 amp by 1 amp (i don't know how to tell...not 2 amp together...i'll mix them after with cubase)

I'll use my axefx on 98% of time in live situations as band practice or live gigs. It's really hard to have possibility to put 2mic on my cab when I'm in tour because often the pub/stage where we play are a lot different one by other and many of them small, with no monitors, ecc ecc (I think that most of you know how you can find a stage...) so I'll use only mono preset when my amp will be microphoned and put in the PA (and this is the 99% of my case).

so do I really need an ultra? as kind of effects i'll use only clean and leads a few wet, but i think that i'll not use all the dsp power of axefx.

after all my english mistakes i thanks all of you that have had the strenght to read all my post ^^
From your post I believe you'll be satisfied with Standard but feel free to get Ultra if you have some extra cash,
you never know what comes tomorrow.
DaniOvertures said:
I know that ultra has more dsp power and some many effects in, but what seems to me is that the ultra is preferred mostly for doing stereo preset with 2amps and 2 cabs. I think that is really awesome but I will not use my axefx to record so often and when i'll use it i will record and reamp 1 amp by 1 amp (i don't know how to tell...not 2 amp together...i'll mix them after with cubase)

Stereo or dual amps? Not for me.

I chose the Ultra because it has the power to run many effects per preset.
Do I use all those at once? No.
I like to be able to activate an effect whenever I want to, without switching presets.
yek said:
I chose the Ultra because it has the power to run many effects per preset.
Do I use all those at once? No.
I like to be able to activate an effect whenever I want to, without switching presets.

what is the limit of the standard? can i have a clean with chorus, detune, delay, rev, harmonizer and eq without overcarry the dsp? has anyone used 100% of dsp power in a non-extraeffect-likeAlien preset?

sure I'll buy an ultra if I can afford it, but I need before to sell my G-sys...but for what I can see now (I'm pretty a newbie of the forum and haven't read so many things about axefx...) I would like to buy an Ultra mostly to use a shared preset posted here that has been created with an Ultra unit (obviously also for more dsp power for the future, as Muris said)

1 month ago I was dreaming about a Mesa to fit the new sound of my I dream an AxeFx + Vht 2502 and I hope to be when I'll have them like this ----> :shock:
DaniOvertures said:
yek said:
I chose the Ultra because it has the power to run many effects per preset.
Do I use all those at once? No.
I like to be able to activate an effect whenever I want to, without switching presets.

what is the limit of the standard? can i have a clean with chorus, detune, delay, rev, harmonizer and eq without overcarry the dsp?
has anyone used 100% of dsp power in a non-extraeffect-likeAlien preset?

sure I'll buy an ultra if I can afford it, but I need before to sell my G-sys...but for what I can see now (I'm pretty a newbie of the forum and haven't read so many things about axefx...) I would like to buy an Ultra mostly to use a shared preset posted here that has been created with an Ultra unit (obviously also for more dsp power for the future, as Muris said)

1 month ago I was dreaming about a Mesa to fit the new sound of my I dream an AxeFx + Vht 2502 and I hope to be when I'll have them like this ----> :shock:
Factor in some learning-time. Only few have gone back to the dark lands...
There used to be a youtube vid floating around showing what the Standard is really capable of doing, can't seem to find it. Any way I would bet money that most of the Fractilians that bought an Ultra would have bought the standard after watching that vid.

Isn't choice a bitch... :mrgreen:
I'm wondering the same thing. I plan on using my axe-fx to record, and I definitely want to go for the Bulb-type metal tone mostly. I will use many different types of styles and effects, but generally speaking my effects won't be that demanding. I like the added features of the ultra like some particular effects and the loop pedal, but I would only want to get the Ultra if it would give me a significantly better metal sound (with the two amps two cab setup). Would I be able to achieve such a setup with just the standard (if there are few to no effects) or would the ultra make it much heavier without the need for double-tracking? Thank you.

also, if anyone could find that aforementioned video I would really appreciate checking it out.
I got the Ultra for the extra processing power. I never really hit the
wall until I was doing some recording this fall (after having the unit
about a year). I started laying out a couple of dual amp/cab setups.
I went for a medium gain Marshall layered with a lightly chorused
clean Fender Twin. Even with the Ultra, I didn't have the hp to
get it running.

Since I started with an existing patch, it had a number of effects in
the layout that I didn't really need. Once I deleted the stuff I didn't
care about, I was able to squeeze it all in. Not sure it would have
happened with the Std. I'd say go with the Ultra (patch came out
great BTW :) Made a killer "new county" rhythm sound.).

I use a lot of effects and complex rig setup in the layout of my standard.....I don't feel I need the ultra or really miss anything "extra" it would provide for ME.....but if ya have the cash....why not just get the Ultra? Then you are covered.....
mouzer said:
Doesn't the Ultra have faster switching between patches? How much faster is it?

If it does it is too small to notice, as the standard switches faster than anything else I've ever used(and used a lot of other gear in past). Buying an Ultra for faster patch switching would be like buying a Lamborghini for it's cup holders. Buy an Ultra it you want really wild crazy effects or large complex signal paths with lots of effects. But I play in a full range cover band and am fine with the Standard....but I'd get a Ultra if ya have the money.......I mean more is always more....but if money is tight you will not regret the Standard
Thanks for the reply.

Money is indeed tight, and I'm going to be stretching it for a used Standard. I doubt I'll regret it. :mrgreen:
OK. I just bought a Axe FX Standard. I already own A Ultra and of course I love it. I never tried a Standard, and am wondering, aside from the additional FX which i know I won't be able to use on the Standard. What about cpu usage. In other words, i do use dual amps and cabs a bit. Most use between 70-90% cpu of the Ultra. As long as none of the added Fx are present, will these also run on the Standard, or is there a cpu amount that is the limit on a Standard? thanks in advance.... pete
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