Do I need to update MFC Mark II to use firmware 13?


For going from firmware 12 to 13, do I have to update my MFC Mark II for it to work properly, or is that optional? I currently have the latest 2.0 firmware for the MFC, but not the new 3.0.

I'm not sure if you have to, but it is recommended. None of my exp. pedals were working when I updated to FW13. Then I updated my MFC to the latest firmware and everything worked fine again. The only thing that might happen is that you have to assign your IA switches again.
No, the upgrade to three was just to match up with MKIII versioning. Difference between 2.18 and 3 is that you get three new IAs: vol incr, vol decr, and scene 1/2. As SockPuppet said if you upgrade reassign you IAs back and you good to go. It's very quick to do.
I updated to FW13 and kept the MFC at 2.18 and have no problems, works just dandy.
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