Discussion about output levels

Not sure but I don't think those output settings will have any effect thru headphones - just when connected via output jacks.
Correct. +4 dBu and -10 dBV are line levels. The headphone out is... headphone level. :)
2 Headrush 108
The manual is light on details, but given that it has XLR/TRS inputs and the manual does recommend using XLR or TRS cables, I suspect it's capable of receiving line level inputs, so unless you have a reason not to run at line level (for example, it's going through a snake with mics or other low level signals that are vulnerable to cross-talk ...) I suggest trying it at +4dB. If it's distorting the inputs on the Headrush and it's not convenient to attenuate them - either in the Fractal or otherwise - then run it at -10dB.
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