Desert island Gear

I have a fantastic AND a gorgeous wife. Doesn't mean I can't appreciate other beautiful women. Of course IF I were on a desert island with Salma Heyak, I wouldn't DO anything!!! Of course not. I'm a happily married man and want to remain so. It doesn't mean I WOUDN'T want to be stuck on a desert isle with her. Oh yes, and my beautiful wife knows all about my long walks trying to spy Salma at Nortons house
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Seventeen years into my marriage that would have been my reply too, but then one night the bitch didn't come much for the fantastic wife shit.

I hear that...had a similar experience. Which is one of the reasons I am grateful for my current wife.
Somehow the vibe of this island got to get it back on track here is the forum's bar island bar band featuring Salma...

I changed my mind. Can I be a snake on this island?

Sidenote: Cliff, please consider getting Mrs. Hayek as a special guest to the next Axe-Fest. Or at the very least an accurate model. ;)
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