delay + fxl behaviour?


Power User
I remember reading somewhere about the delay mix law, but I'd like to know why if I place the delay before the fx loop block 50/50 mix occours at 25% while after fxl it's at 50%. Is there a way to configure the delay block so that before the fxl I get a 50/50 mix at 50%?
I have the fxl before the amp sims to send the chain to out 2 to real amp without amp sims (I also have the send and return blocks routed to the fxl to send the signal to external fx via fxl)
Why do have the send and return there? If you are using external effects the fx loop does that automatically.
It's not that simple, took me a while to figure out this setup. The signal goes into a switchblade gl audio router, goes into a few pedals, then into the axe fx front input, xlr out 1 and 2 go to foh with amp sims, input and output 2 L use the fxl to send the signal before amp sims to a few thee external fx, out 2R goes to a real amp without amp sims. Trust me, I've spent hours (and lots of forum posts) to get there, and I don't want to mess with it as it's working perfectly, other than this delay wet/dry issue depending on the placement of the delay block.
It has to be something with that routing in the switchblade. Create a preset with just an fxloop. delay is the same before or after. At least it is on my Axe-fx. It sounds like the send and return are sending dome of the delay back into the signal so when it is before it takes half the mix and after, it works normally.
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When you run delay in front of an amp or other pedals, this makes the mix seem MUCH hotter and certainly less predictable.
When you run delay in front of an amp or other pedals, this makes the mix seem MUCH hotter and certainly less predictable.

He is talking about before and after the fx loop though. The fx loop is before the amp in either case. At least that is how I understand he is explaining it. I think he send is send the delay signal back on itself increasing the mix.
Are drive, compressor, or other nonlinear pedals in the loop? Does this happen when you disconnect the loop devices and just shunt a guitar cable from the Axe-Fx FX SEND to its RETURN? The switchblade does have gain controls too, and it is pretty easy to overdrive if I remember correctly.
Thanks for your feedback, however this occours with all fx (internal and external) before and after the fxl bypassed, so basically as it is, guitar into delay into fxl split between axe sims and real amp, a 25% delay mix = a 50% delay mix if i move it after the fxl. What am i doing wrong? The dry signal stays the same, it's just the delay mix that's dramatically different depending on position in the chain.
In any case, what would be the correct value for a 50% wet/dry mix on the 2290 delay, 25% or 50%?
So I suppose there must be something wrong in the fxl block settings since if I place the delay before the fxl I get 50% mix at 25%, as if I the delay was putting out twice the delay level
Well you are panning row 2 all the way left so before the fx loop. It will be sending a mono signal. I can't tell what you are doing outside the axe-fx and sending back into the grid.
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