Dealing with Arthritis,Carpal Tunnel,and other Hand Aliments

Yep, feel ur pain, and my own. Left elbow has gone to the dogs over the last couple of months, fingers just aint quite getting there anymore, and man it hurts!

(sitting here with an ice pack on it, typing with my other hand..)


Jefferski mentioned Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. I was talking to my doc about this a liitle while ago, as i was having problems with my right elbow from holding up my soprano sax (i play full time in a theatrical circus gig) and she had the following to say about it, and this is me paraphrasing what i think she said so you know...

Apparerntly, when tendonitis type injury occurs, the body doesn't recognise it as an injury and does nothing, therefore the injury/inflamtion progresses until discomfort and all the rest of it occurs. The PRP type therapy, where the "stuff" is injected directly into the tendon sheath causes a small wound of sorts, which then activates the body's healing response and it gets in there and starts fixing it up.
These observations/theory is based on a study done in the UK where cortisone injections, PRP therapy and just plain old sticking an needle into the same area without injecting anything were compared. Cortisone came up as not so good long term, and the other two were on par as effective.
Go figure!
Anyway, good luck to us all, hope we all get well soon..

***I work in physical therapy with over ten years of out patient experience**. I will do a video for you all covering tendon glides nerve flossing various stretches and*** CONTRAST BATH -do not miss this one and begin today. Super cold ice water,.. dunk hands for 30" followed by 2 minutes in warm water (or hot tub). More to come. I also have some carpal tunnel stuff from rock climbing for the past 20 years as well as bolting 20 something first ascents and chopping wood chain saw ect. The ice massage works and is used right before band practice with and increase of mobility via the blood flow it promotes. Let me know how it goes,.
***I work in physical therapy with over ten years of out patient experience**. I will do a video for you all covering tendon glides nerve flossing various stretches and*** CONTRAST BATH -do not miss this one and begin today. Super cold ice water,.. dunk hands for 30" followed by 2 minutes in warm water (or hot tub). More to come. I also have some carpal tunnel stuff from rock climbing for the past 20 years as well as bolting 20 something first ascents and chopping wood chain saw etc. The ice masstage works and is used right before band practice with and increase of mobility via the blood flow it promotes. Let me know how it goes,.

That's too cool about the first ascents Cragginshred. U are incredibly brave!

To the OP, like Cragginshred, since '03, i've worked at a medical/physical therapy group that has successfully treated dozens of well known musicians, guitarists, violin players, pianists, etc. Had musician endorsements in MUSICIAN magazine re carpal. His awesome recomendations and the video will be very helpful for you.

A few things i thought i would suggest as well, that have helped me & other musicians, and dancers & acrobats who lift others: Sometimes chiropractic on the hand, wrist, arm, or neck can do a lot. Getting a proper evaluation may reveal a bad neck curve even though u have no neck or back pain. Isolating any finger sensations & doing an online check as to which cervical or thoracic vertebrae is near the nerve that outlets there, and examining a neck/mid back x-ray to help rule out a piched or repetitively traumatized nerve (even from "sleeping funny").

When the problem is mainly or only the arm, wrist, or hand, for many of us holistic medicine still has much to offer over cortisone injections & surgery in my opinion. Contrast soaks are excellent. Massage & chiropractic, if done by truly dedicated practitioners, are important as well.

As with arthritis, be aware that nerve entrapment is a diagnosis, but can have more to it than we hear about the cliche conditions like carpal (even though MANY guitarists, musicians, people who use computers for hours, etc., have that beginning to surface as well), but instead or also a chronic stress condition with recoverable joint inflamation, recoverable fibrocartillage complex degeneration, etc. accompanied or caused by practices or conditions easily eliminated, as done by resting, relaxing, stretching, nutrition & supplementation, solving vertebrae/ nerve issues and releasing general toxic stress.

Know this sounds like a lot when a particular pain must get resolved so u can play. What I'm saying though is that if u continue to learn about your body, what at first seems unrelated may prove to be a key in staying well once u solve your immediate worry.


Taking fish oil or circumin may do wonders for inflamation, and in my experience most people benefit from assimulateable powdered magnesium that's dissolved in warm water, like the product CALM or one like it (there are a lot; they have an acid base and go into solution in the water, so your body can absorb it well & quickly). That helps a person stay relaxed. In some cases a person, if they don't eat their greens, milk, cheese, etc., may add a little calcium.

Really deeply massaging into the whole tendon area (to the elbow) for about 5-15 minutes, often will begin to release toxin built up from repetitive stress behaviors; this is something you have to see to believe; if you get a massage therapist to do it, have him/her continue deeply & after 5 minutes or more you might have red stripes directly above your tendon, along your whole forearm. The red stripe is not everywhere he/she digs in, but specifically & only where the tendon is.

That's toxin coming out of the tendon into skin tissue from where it can be eliminated. Our body, unless we're in our 90's, would have probably eliminated all of this but we've begun to do behaviors that go from one cortisol producing activity or position to another, etc.

Lack of sleep, pollution, & a fast food diet doesn't help. A body will have pesticides and MSG and who knows what else to deal with.

Do the above and your arm & especially your hand should feel imediately better. You'll need to periodically repeat this (i do it on myself every two weeks or so for 5 minutes or so until I feel a lessening of the toxin buildup. You may want to really dig in from about 5 inches in from your wrist, but look up ulnar nerve entrapment online. Many of us experienced guitarist develop toxic buildup beginning near the elbow where that is so I recommend you dig in back there too, and along the whole tendon and musculature. )

Please note, I AM NOT A TRAINED PROFESSIONAL or therapist, just been around great ones. Seek professional advice, I'm just giving anecdotal info to think about and check into with your actual health expert, or your Rockefeller Foundation Funded specialist that does the work of big pharma companies, u decide which of the above is right for u ;) Peace.
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I have carpal tunnel and have had two surgeries on my right hand. I highly recommend not getting surgery. My band has been very messed up since the surgery. I take pain meds daily and have issues dealing with this everyday. I have tried many physical therapys and nothing has helped me yet. Before I play I always make sure I warm up with some chromatic scales. My finger on my left hand was almost severed off and it also bothers me sometimes especially if I do not warm up. I just thank God I can still play even though I have pain I would rather play in pain that not be able to at all. For any one else that has similar issues I feel for you. Just never give up on your paying there s always away. Check out John Dener on youtube he is missing his right hand and he still jams Van Halen stuff. It just goes to show someone always has it worse so keep on jamming.
Ortho-Bionomy is a subtle, painless, incredibly effective form of treatment. Look up Society for Ortho-Bionomy and see if there's a practitioner near you. It is amazing stuff (I am both a patient, and a practitioner of it).

Please try it before even considering surgery! that is a last resort, and often doesn't help. And... one thing our medical system doesn't even seem to understand is that Carpal Tunnel is really a syndrome of the entire arm and shoulder - from the shoulder blades through the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist. This is one reason that even 'successful' surgery often ends up in a relapse - because they are treating the focal point of a syndrome that is diffuse - a kind of domino effect - and they are only seeing the last domino... Typical 'myopia' of our medical system.
I was recently diagnosed with minor arthritis in my left hand,no big deal(for now) but sometimes I cant play like I normally do.If anyone else has these problems how do you deal with it?Other than taking medication(which helps immensely)Do you have any special exercises or therapy?
Anyone on this thread experience "trigger finger" and know of a way to treat this other than a quartizone shot?
Anyone on this thread experience "trigger finger" and know of a way to treat this other than a quartizone shot?

I had surgery on my right thumb 6 years ago. My thumb kept locking with bad pain. Thumb is as good as new. Now I'm getting it on the left thumb. Locking in open position with bad pain . I'd like to try the PRP for this one. The surgery was only about ten minutes. They did it with a local. The relief was instant. Within a week I was almost back to normal. Incidentally I did have one cortisone shot about 3 weeks ago. The first week it felt better but now now pain and locking even worse. I'll keep you posted.

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Ortho-Bionomy is a subtle, painless, incredibly effective form of treatment. Look up Society for Ortho-Bionomy and see if there's a practitioner near you. It is amazing stuff (I am both a patient, and a practitioner of it).

Please try it before even considering surgery! that is a last resort, and often doesn't help. And... one thing our medical system doesn't even seem to understand is that Carpal Tunnel is really a syndrome of the entire arm and shoulder - from the shoulder blades through the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist. This is one reason that even 'successful' surgery often ends up in a relapse - because they are treating the focal point of a syndrome that is diffuse - a kind of domino effect - and they are only seeing the last domino... Typical 'myopia' of our medical system.

I have not had any surgery,or have considered any such thing.But what I have noticed is its more difficult to play drums now than ever before,which saddens me because thats my second instrument love.
About 3 times a day, I spend some time massaging out my forearms, fingers, bicep/shoulder joint, pec/shoulder joint, etc. I stretch throughout the day as well. Drink plenty of water, consider a chiropractor that isn't just a crack-quack, and acupuncture is great as well.

As a dude with fibromyalgia, I know the pain you are dealing with. Also, as noted before, consider dietary changes. If you eat a lot of grains/sugar, consider cutting back, particularly if you drink soda (especially if you drink diet soda).

It's no fun dealing with pain and inflammation, but try and limit medications as much as you can. They will eventually get you (we all gotta' go somehow, but that's really not the way you want to go).
Great thread! lots of great advice.

I prob get some slack for this, but Marijuana is great for any of these ailments. It's no cure but it allows you relief from the pain for a while.
I had a steroid injection into my wrist about a month ago and things have improved dramatically, almost back to normal now, maybe 80% movement and mostly pain free. I'm lucky because there is only a 60-70% success rate apparently.

The whole experience was a bit of a wake up call for me. I am now very aware of the need to warm up and take more care when doing anything with my hands, not just guitar playing. I limit my playing time and never play if I notice any discomfort at all. For several months I feared that I would never be able to play again and that was really scary.

Good luck to everyone who suffers with joint problems, I feel for you all, and for those who don't, please take care of your hands and don't take them for granted because it can happen to anyone at any age and trust me, it's an absolute nightmare.
Ortho-Bionomy. Really. Seriously. I've even helped people with DuPuyten's Contracture, an 'incurable and progressive' hand ailment.
Anyone on this thread experience "trigger finger" and know of a way to treat this other than a quartizone shot?
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Steroids actually make tendons WEAKER. I hope he was using ultrasound to aim it. If not, get another doctor. But seriously, steroids have so many side-effects (including immune suppression). People like 'em 'cause they're fast and you don't have to 'work', but alternative therapies like Ortho-Bionomy are much more effective with chronic, longstanding conditions. And they have NO side effects! (except more neuro-muscular body awareness).

I had a steroid injection into my wrist about a month ago and things have improved dramatically, almost back to normal now, maybe 80% movement and mostly pain free. I'm lucky because there is only a 60-70% success rate apparently.

The whole experience was a bit of a wake up call for me. I am now very aware of the need to warm up and take more care when doing anything with my hands, not just guitar playing. I limit my playing time and never play if I notice any discomfort at all. For several months I feared that I would never be able to play again and that was really scary.

Good luck to everyone who suffers with joint problems, I feel for you all, and for those who don't, please take care of your hands and don't take them for granted because it can happen to anyone at any age and trust me, it's an absolute nightmare.
Steroids actually make tendons WEAKER. I hope he was using ultrasound to aim it. If not, get another doctor. But seriously, steroids have so many side-effects (including immune suppression). People like 'em 'cause they're fast and you don't have to 'work', but alternative therapies like Ortho-Bionomy are much more effective with chronic, longstanding conditions. And they have NO side effects! (except more neuro-muscular body awareness).

Yes, ultrasound guided.

I know there are a lot of arguments and opinions either way, but seriously, after 6 months of excruciating pain and a vocabulary consisting of just two words (ow and fuck), I was ready to try anything. For me it was almost a miracle cure but I am all too aware that the condition is likely to recur but for now I'm enjoying the period of respite for however long it lasts. Next winter will be a real test.
Anyone on this thread experience "trigger finger" and know of a way to treat this other than a quartizone shot?

That usually is corrected with a surgical intervention. Usually outpatient surgery and it offers immediate relief, as noted.
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