Day of the Doctor


As if you couldn't guess from my avatar, had a thoroughly enjoyable day celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who yesterday. I thought the special was very well-done, and highly enjoyed the other "features" as well ("Five(ish) Doctors Reboot", "Night of the Doctor"... still have to watch "An Adventure in Space and Time"). Having been a fan since the early 80's, I thought it was all-in-all a very fitting celebration of fifty years of a great program (programme).

Any other Doctor Who fans on the board?
I didn't watch the special as I have a bit of catch up to do; I am about a season behind I think. But yeah, as a young 'un I was glued to the whole Pertwee/Baker/Davison phase of Who and have enjoyed all three of the new Doctors so far.
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As an Englishman, I feel deep shame and very unpatriotic that I do not have any interest in Dr Who. I've never understood it's appeal and people's life long, die hard fascination with it. Perhaps, somebody would care to edify this uncultured cretin?
As an Englishman, I feel deep shame and very unpatriotic that I do not have any interest in Dr Who. I've never understood it's appeal and people's life long, die hard fascination with it. Perhaps, somebody would care to edify this uncultured cretin?

No. ;) :D
I just watched 'The Day Of The Doctor' last night. I loved it! Not quite as powerful as the 'Family Of Blood' (which was the first one of the new ones to really set my pulse going), but close.

It was never a program for good special effects, or great acting. But the writing was always good and never formulaic.
As an Englishman, I feel deep shame and very unpatriotic that I do not have any interest in Dr Who. I've never understood it's appeal and people's life long, die hard fascination with it. Perhaps, somebody would care to edify this uncultured cretin?
Well, it was always better than Coronation Street.. and been running much longer... cheesy in it's early days.. but something about the low budget stuff (much like red dwarf) makes it lovable.
I just watched 'The Day Of The Doctor' last night. I loved it! Not quite as powerful as the 'Family Of Blood' (which was the first one of the new ones to really set my pulse going), but close.

It was never a program for good special effects, or great acting. But the writing was always good and never formulaic.

Family of Blood is probably my favorite Who episode ever. Only one that edges it is Blink.
Saw it last night and as a huge fan of the show, I LOVED it. There were a lot of inside jokes my wife didn't get, but I laughed and laughed. "Timey Wimey?" Ahahahahahahaha!

I am a season behind however since this last season is impossible to find online.
It was a good episode. I really haven't liked this last season at all. I'll give this new doctor a shot, but apart from this 50th anniversary episode, they really need to step up the writing IMO.
It funny, BBC America probably has more and better sci-fi than the syfy channel. Its one of my favorite fiction channels.
I am a MASSIVE Dwarf fan.

"Rimmer : Step up to Red Alert!
Kryten : Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.
Lister: The red, green and blue alert signs are all flashing. What the smeg does that mean?
Kryten: Well either we're under attack sir, or we're having a disco."

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread :)
I am a MASSIVE Dwarf fan.

"Rimmer : Step up to Red Alert!
Kryten : Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.
Lister: The red, green and blue alert signs are all flashing. What the smeg does that mean?
Kryten: Well either we're under attack sir, or we're having a disco."

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread :)

Rimmer has my favorite line of the whole series:

Red Dwarf - Holoship - Rimmer - People I've Met.wmv - YouTube
Although I have see a few episodes as a kid ( late seventies Tom Baker) I really got into it with the ninth doctor Chris from there (thanks to Amazon) have worked my my backwards season one and up to the present.

I enjoyed Day of the Doctor
We will see with the new Doctor ever since Matt Smith came on board I have not always been so crazy about the writing BUT I do think Matt was a great Doctor!
Agree with most of the comments here. I also think that the quality of the writing in general has declined since Moffat started as showrunner, which is somewhat ironic as I liked his individual episodes best when RTD was at the helm ("The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances", "Girl in the Fireplace", "Blink"). I believe that he has simply stretched himself too thin between both Doctor Who and Sherlock. When he focuses on writing a good yarn, he does a great job (I thought "The Day of the Doctor" was certainly good).

I finally saw "An Adventure in Space and Time", and was even more impressed: an extremely moving and dramatic look at the formative years of the show. Kudos to Gatiss and the entire cast and crew.
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