Countdown 0.5...

i think, the english translation is :
"to pace like a caged lion"
i don't know about the bear lol

salut toto ;-)
J'ai corrigé je crois que c'est plus compréhensible.

"paced like a caged lion" tu dis? Je vérifie, saloperie d'anglais. :lol
Bon j'ai corrigé...j'ai laissé l'ours, pour les américains c'est plus logique et ca fait pareil en cage. ;)
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My newest guess:

Cliff has found a way to increase the processing efficiency to the point that the Standard hardware will now function essentially as an Ultra, and the Ultra will become the new Extreme. The Extreme will be as twice as capable as the Ultra was due to the new algorithm.

Both the Standard (now Ultra) and the Extreme (previously Ultra) will include new effects now including one-to-one copies of virtually every effects pedal or rack unit known to man.

Existing customers and new customers will receive a free guitar as well. It is Cliff's take on the Variax and it is built by Suhr.

I was just trying to imagine scenarios in which everyone would be happy....

That sounds a lot like my Ultra. :0) I had a friend saw off the rack ears, and it looks like it's been on the road for at least 10 years. Knobs are holding up great though. But the paint...... Well lets say that it has a lot of silver spots all over. and the lettering on the front panel has worn down to unreadable in most spots. :) Axe Fx Relic? no no Axe Fx vintage... Sounds great though!

is this a hint Larry?did the Fractal audio custom shop come to your house and take pictures and caliper measurements for a "Larry Mitchell signature faded AxeFx"?
My newest guess:

Cliff has found a way to increase the processing efficiency to the point that the Standard hardware will now function essentially as an Ultra, and the Ultra will become the new Extreme. The Extreme will be as twice as capable as the Ultra was due to the new algorithm.

Both the Standard (now Ultra) and the Extreme (previously Ultra) will include new effects now including one-to-one copies of virtually every effects pedal or rack unit known to man.

Existing customers and new customers will receive a free guitar as well. It is Cliff's take on the Variax and it is built by Suhr.

I was just trying to imagine scenarios in which everyone would be happy....


Not bad...i have the copyright for the Axe-Fx Extra.
(for France only)
hey! that was my ideia

My newest guess:

Cliff has found a way to increase the processing efficiency to the point that the Standard hardware will now function essentially as an Ultra, and the Ultra will become the new Extreme. The Extreme will be as twice as capable as the Ultra was due to the new algorithm.

Both the Standard (now Ultra) and the Extreme (previously Ultra) will include new effects now including one-to-one copies of virtually every effects pedal or rack unit known to man.

Existing customers and new customers will receive a free guitar as well. It is Cliff's take on the Variax and it is built by Suhr.

I was just trying to imagine scenarios in which everyone would be happy....


some of it I guess

What could be cool is a new even more powerfull axe-fx and the release of its new firmware for older axe-fxs , turning the ULTRA into the new Axe-fx Standard.. so to say.

Even if that would mean just using amps and some effects, I would totally go for that.
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My newest guess:

Cliff has found a way to increase the processing efficiency to the point that the Standard hardware will now function essentially as an Ultra, and the Ultra will become the new Extreme. The Extreme will be as twice as capable as the Ultra was due to the new algorithm.


I think this is very close to the real answer.
That's just an artist's profile... they've changed the new link "order"... or the previous assumption to the link order was incorrect.

We will see when 4 will be available if they have changed the link order.
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OK my turn, I bet that Mike Mangini will have the job.

Edit: sorry wrong thread, so many countdown those days...
I think this is very close to the real answer.

I wrote it, and I don't think it's close at all lol. I'm just messing around. Possible? Maybe, but I'm pretty sure it's something else. Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be cool and I'll want it.

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