CORNFED M50 (Cornford MK50 II), what an amp model!

This is one of those amps I fell in love with for awhile and then moved on. This was early on in my FAS experience and I’ve learned a lot since then. I screwed around with it for a couple hours this evening. Yeah it’s a great amp model. Right now I’m on the AC20, the 6CA7 and some other Plexi models. I’ll put the Cornford back into rotation. The FAS modeling is very good. I am playing more than I ever have just because it sounds great, and there so many options available. It’s inspiring.
Similar experience. I made a preset around the Cornfed and it was my "Marshall" preset for a while. But now I'm using the 6CA7. Sounds great through my 2x12 cab with a cream m65 mixed with a Scumback m75. I've got a Marshall sv20 borrowed from a pal and it sounds great. But my 6CA7 preset through my ps100 into that 2x12 cab sounds better. I know, sacrilege, I should be ashamed to say that out loud. But for me, it's true.
Totally missed this amp.. thanks for letting me know it is on my FM3... The Cornford model on the AA6 is my favorite.
Are you talking about the klon boosted one? That was a fantastic profile. FM3 is right there, you just need to use a TS boost or mess with the input EQ to cut the lows and boost the mids a bit. It's a great model.
I think so... it's been a while since I even looked at my Kemper Stage, so don't remember the exact profile.

Yesterday I had some time and located AB's preset in the Live Gold bundle, it sounds really good, so I'm going to tweak it a little per suggestions and use it at a gig tomorrow.
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Martin Kidd is a great designer. He designed this and now is basically the V30 Jack. Great amp that has this Marshall/Mesa quality but solves all the issues with both.
I think so... it's been a while since I even looked at my Kemper Stage, so don't remember the exact profile.

Yesterday I had some time and located AB's preset in the Live Gold bundle, it sounds really good, so I'm going to tweak it a little per suggestions and use it at a gig tomorrow.'s been even longer for me, I had one of the early toaster units in the first year of production but I can still remember loving that profile and it's why I looked into the amp in Fractal units.
I go back and forth between the Cornfed and the USA Mid Gain for my high gain tones. They both do the job well, but the unique quality of the Cornfed is the low end punch it has. If you play hard rock tunes, it really sticks out because of that percussive quality. Straddles the line between Boogie and modded Marshall beautifully.

That's the blessing and the curse of those modded "Marshalls." Many of them have an hyped up low-end that can get tubby
and bloated for me with humbuckers. Probably not as big of an issue for someone not using a live guitar cab, or a different
guitar (like a Tele or a Strat with single coils).

I am old enough to recall how everyone wanted an hyped low-end from Marshalls and thought using a TS to lop off the
low-end in front of the amp was a sign of the Marshall having a flaw. Fast forward a decade or 3, and I now realize
that those Marshalls sit perfectly in the mix, while the Bogners, and Cornfords, and Friedmans can be too bassy and step
on the toes of the bass and kick (or even keys) in the mix. :)
That's the blessing and the curse of those modded "Marshalls." Many of them have an hyped up low-end that can get tubby
and bloated for me with humbuckers. Probably not as big of an issue for someone not using a live guitar cab, or a different
guitar (like a Tele or a Strat with single coils).

I am old enough to recall how everyone wanted an hyped low-end from Marshalls and thought using a TS to lop off the
low-end in front of the amp was a sign of the Marshall having a flaw. Fast forward a decade or 3, and I now realize
that those Marshalls sit perfectly in the mix, while the Bogners, and Cornfords, and Friedmans can be too bassy and step
on the toes of the bass and kick (or even keys) in the mix. :)
No doubt. If you have a full mix, then I would definitely work on the low cut quite a bit. I use the Cut in the ideal block along with a healthy low cut in the cab block and I play with a Tele, so you may have to get even more aggressive with humbuckers.
Similar experience. I made a preset around the Cornfed and it was my "Marshall" preset for a while. But now I'm using the 6CA7. Sounds great through my 2x12 cab with a cream m65 mixed with a Scumback m75. I've got a Marshall sv20 borrowed from a pal and it sounds great. But my 6CA7 preset through my ps100 into that 2x12 cab sounds better. I know, sacrilege, I should be ashamed to say that out loud. But for me, it's true.

Yeah I love the 6CA7! It has a compressed splatty thing going on depending on settings and drives. It’s a lot of fun. The Cornford in comparison has more bottom and smoother distortion. Both are great amps!
Yeah I love the 6CA7! It has a compressed splatty thing going on depending on settings and drives. It’s a lot of fun. The Cornford in comparison has more bottom and smoother distortion. Both are great amps!
What cabs are you using with the 6CA7? I’ve struggled to dial in the Plexi models.
I used to have a "real" Cornford MK50 head MkII. Lovely amp but it was tricky to balance drive and overdrive channels without deafening oneself and it was pretty loud to boot. Cleans were not its strong suit.

Made beautifully, it was built like a tank. I've owned most of the Cornford amps over the years - they were once the darlings of the "booteek" scene here in the UK (Guitarist magazine was a total fanboy).

It's funny though, I don't like any of the Victory amps I've tried - they're just not in the same league as the Cornfords, in my opinion (of course). With the possible exception of the Super Kraken. YMMV.

I really like the Fractal model. All gain with no pain.
Mostly LTs TV Mix 7. It’s a little bright but sounds good to me when everything is dialed in for it.

Same here. And for a darker vibe that meshes with the Plexis/Marshalls and warms them up a
bit I love the stock Ownhammer Lynchback IRs. #757 and #759.
Def gonna try this amp. I tried it once but it didn’t grab me. Gonna give it another shot since I love kotzen and his cool diverse tones. His light gain and higher gain tones all pop out of a mix so well. So I will try this amp again. Luckily I have the live gold pack so will check it out in there
... I now realize that those Marshalls sit perfectly in the mix, while the Bogners, and Cornfords, and Friedmans can be too bassy and step
on the toes of the bass and kick (or even keys) in the mix. :)

I also find that many of me modified Marshall amps / models to be overly bass heavy. It can be fun while playing on your own but it can create a muddy sound in a mix if you don't dial in some high pass in the cab block and input EQ.
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