Controlling delay time with external controller?


Hi guys,

I'm relatively new to the Axe Fx. I come from a pedal background... and I like doing some crazy things with them now and again. particularly, delay pedals. I have the Axe Fx II and the MFC 101.

what I'd like to do is leave the tap tempo set up the way it is by default in the MFC 101 - but I'd also like to be able to control it from an expression pedal. is that not possible with this setup? I'm asking because I have set up a modifier and it looks like it's correct, but when I change the value with the pedal, nothing seems to happen. I'm looking in the delay effect block as well, and the delay time is in (parentheses) - does this mean something? come to think of it, I've tried modifying the time with the knobs on the front panel as well, and that doesn't change anything either???

I used to do this with my L6 M13 - there was the built in tap tempo, but then I had an expression pedal I could modify the delay time with as well for some zany effects. help? am I missing something?
if the delay time is in brackets, then it means you're using the tempo feature (1/4, 1/8, dotted 1/8 etc). this is because you're using the tap tempo feature. tap in 1/4 notes with your foot and then the axe fx will calculate the tempo and set the delay time according to the subdivision you've selected (try tapping in some different tempi and watch how the delay time changes). when it's set up like this, you can't alter the delay time with an expression pedal. to do this, you would need to set the tempo parameter in the delay block to none. this will "release" the delay time for dynamic control
In the delay block, try setting CONFIG=TAPE

This exposes the MOTOR SPEED control which can be controlled with an expression pedal
In the delay block, try setting CONFIG=TAPE

This exposes the MOTOR SPEED control which can be controlled with an expression pedal

fantastic - thanks for the suggestion. I'd do that right now, but it's all packed up for my gig tonight... I'll check it out tomorrow night. I was pretty surprised when I realized that I couldn't control the tempo with multiple controllers. if there's an effective way around it, great. if not, I have to scratch my head here...
Multidelay is another option. Several modes can have tempo-based times plus a master time modifier, Quad Tape mode also includes modifiable tape speed.
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