Not a Bug continually getting disconnected from USB / FM9-edit

It happens to me as well with my FM9, Macbook pro M3 Max, Sonoma 14.4.1, USB B to C cable.
Unplugging and plugging the cable back doesn't solve the issue.
I will try with shorter cable
Does restarting the computer fix it, at least temporarily?

Not a Mac guy, but Windows may put drivers and/or ports to sleep after a while to save power. You can configure it not to do that.
I've had this happen, as well - no hub in between the FM9 and my laptop (M1 MBP, Sonoma 14.3.1), just a two meter cable.
Currently working w/ Sonoma 14.5 3m USB 2.0 data cable purchased from amazon. No issues. Currently use an Atollo USB 3.0 10 USB A powered hub for combining USB A ports towards directed USB C ports.
I think you’ve misunderstood the spec. That length is just a recommendation to not use cables that exceed that length. It’s not some kind of performance requirement. There are just too many environmental factors to permit any kind of guarantee in the spec about length.
Caveat for both USB sure these are data cables, not just charging cables. Charging work great for charging devices, but bupkis for transmitting data, which we need. The powered hub does wonders for combining/connecting data or charging cables where your device may not have enough ports to connect all you'd need.
My disconnections to FM9-Edit got better with a new USB cable, but still have issues with the connection of the FM9 USB audio driver to play backing tracks through the unit (via the headphone jack) like I always have done with my previous Line 6 modelers(Helix and HX Stomp XL), my Alto USB mixer, and my Ampero Stomp II. All of those drivers work fine for Audio on those units, but the FM9 Audio driver is a challenge. To get it back I usually have to reinstall that specific FM9 audio driver. After getting tired of doing that time and time again, I now just use a USB mixer for the backing tracks with headphones nd that has solved the problem, but a bit more of a hassle when wanting to just do late night silent practice. Love the FM9 unit but the USB Audio driver stinks IMO. Been around this stuff for awhile and I can see how the link between the editor and the unit is slower than other units I have used, but living with the limits.
Yes, I agree about everyone's comment. I've been dealing with this since I noticed the problem on USB's Audio connection between my computer and my FM9. It's ben a hassle as well. I hope Fractal realized that this is not a separate a problem. If they recognized this issue, I'm sure they'll release another Firmware.
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