conecting a rack tuner with the axe fx?


New Member
Hi there, could some one tell me how I can hook up a korg dtr 1000 to the axe fx going in to the axe fx first? Thanks!
I don't know if it's the right way, but it works for me; I put a FX Loop as the first block in a completely separate uncompleted chain then connect the tuner to the Axe Loop send 1 and turn the send 1 volume up just enough for the tuner to function.
i use an axess bs2 first in the chain and use the split to go to the tuner, so i dont have to run through it, and setup all my patches.
Spoons said:
I don't know if it's the right way, but it works for me; I put a FX Loop as the first block in a completely separate uncompleted chain then connect the tuner to the Axe Loop send 1 and turn the send 1 volume up just enough for the tuner to function.

This is exactly what I do, with the same tuner OP mentioned.
been thinking about doing this too. if you're not using the extra loop (i.e. just using the output1 and no fx send/return from an amp or what not) then you can just copy output1 to output2 and use either l or r from that. but the buffer/splitter thing is also fine.
whats the difference between connecting tuner > axe fx and axe fx > tuner? Right now im using dtr-1000 > axe fx
whats the difference between connecting tuner > axe fx and axe fx > tuner?
- just that Eric Johnson wouldn't approve ;) (possible tone-suck)
- maybe some tuners kill the dry should they stop working? You would then be safer plugging straight in (one risk less)
When I had my DTR-1 in the rack, I still used that and would probably not know the difference. I also did that to have minimum strain and risk to the Axe's input jack.
whats the difference between connecting tuner > axe fx and axe fx > tuner?
Some tuners tone-suck, as vAmp said. Others inject noise into the signal.

Try going Guitar => Tuner => Axe-FX, using a high-gain patch, with the noise gate wide open. If you can't hear the difference between that and going straight into the Axe-FX, then it doesn't matter which order you plug them in (for your tuner, anyway).
thanks guys. Im using mostly high gain patches but i will play around with some other amps and stuff. ok so I have to change my signal chain later on when I get home. And one more thing that is turning me off is I have to place an EFX Loop in all my presets.

Btw whats the level 1 to 4 on the efx loop actually for? And so my signal chain will be from the axe fx output 2 to the tuner (input)? Will I still be able to use the mute function on the tuner? Thanks in advance.
It probably mixes the four rows that go into it (if you use more than one).
You can still use the mute, but it won't mute :mrgreen (unless you run the Axe only through the tuner)
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Not trying to be a smart-alec.... but why are you using an external tuner instead of the built-in tuner in the AxeFX ? I used to use a Korg rack tuner, but found the internal tuner as or more accurate... leaving 1 more open space for more cool gear... ;-)
Not trying to be a smart-alec.... but why are you using an external tuner instead of the built-in tuner in the AxeFX ? I used to use a Korg rack tuner, but found the internal tuner as or more accurate... leaving 1 more open space for more cool gear... ;-)

the case i would use for it is tuning regardless of the patch you're currently on. i use peterson and it find it to be slightly more accurate than the axe. granted it's a uni-tasker, it also allows for displaying random messages on the panel.
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