Commercial IRs


I am newbie to the world of Commercial IRs and the AXE-FX II . Where do I get started ?

I read various threads regarding companies such as Redwirez, Ownhammer, The Amp Factory , Messiah etc but if you are just getting started, what would be the must have bundles in your collection today?
The Redwirez are probably the most complete set, but they are not UltraRes so until he releases a new set I would probably hold off on them. That's not to say that they aren't great.

Ownhammer is really active and have a good combination of straight and mixes that are ready to go. He's always cooking something interesting up, but the bottom line is that they are good.

The Amp Factory is pretty new to the AxeFXII world, but I have to admit that I love his selection and his mixes are really, really good.

Don't forget that FAS has their own collections as well with more to come later I am sure.

BUT if I was you I would look at the selection of cabinets and try to determine which packs of IR's have the most of what I would need. All of them work, all of them are professionally done and all of them have a bit of their own flavor, but if you need a specific cabinet and speaker it isn't going to really matter in my opinion.
Have you experimented with the ultra res ones included with firmware which cover OH, TAF? There is also a great thread with numerous user free ones people have generously provided (huge thank-you to those folks), TAF has a freebie on their site, and German AxeFest posted a set today as well. Many user ones are just as high quality so start there if new to IRs... No right or wrong in finding a vendor... It's nice to see if they have Ultra Res :)
Thanks ., I am not looking for a specific cabinet and speaker. I am just looking for advise how to create some great Hi-Gain presets.
I have experimented a little with the ultra res ones included with firmware. and yes I will try out the free ones posted.
Don't forget that Cablab is available for about $20. There are tons of free IR's out there in wave format and Cablab can convert them into UltraRes. I mean at least it could give you an idea of what kind of cabinet that may work for you in your quest for high gain tones.
I have experimented a little with the ultra res ones included with firmware. and yes I will try out the free ones posted.

Well, if you liked The Amp Factory Ultra Res IRs included with the firmware, there's more of those in the Amp Factory "Cab Legends," which is there only offering as of yet. They have cabinets in that selection suited for high gain. Andy(from the amp factory) also released a free Mesa Cabinet that he was not able to include in the Cab Legends because I believe it wasn't working at the time. Awesome cabinet, and free to boot! If you liked how the Fractal UR IR's were done, well none of those are high gain, you can pick them up in Cab Pack 4 from Fractal Audio. There is another Mesa 4x12 Cab in there(Cliff's Boogie) with 80's. And if you liked the Ownhammer UR offerings, those came from the DLX 2x12 Open Back Pack, and the Bogner 2x12 Pack. They are more vintage voiced, since he shot those cabinets with only vintage speakers, although there is no "set rules." Ownhammer is coming out with Metal Specific IRs that should be released next week I believe. If I remember correctly there is a Diezel Cab, a ENGL Cab, a Mesa Cab, and some others. From the sound clips I have heard, they sound friggin' kick ass. It really comes down to personal preference, no one is going to tell you any of these packages are better than another just do to quality alone. I would suggest maybe looking into some sound clips as well. If I were you, and I could only go for one, I would probably choose the Amp Factory, because they have the most variety to choose from, and they have the room captures, which none of the others do. I also highly suggest looking into Cablab as well. Pre-mixed IRs are awesome, I love them, but if you really want to create your own specific tone I suggest grabbing it. Good luck going down the rabbit hole, you couldn't have chose a better time to get into IRs!
Ownhammer released the hi gain cabs late last night. They are broken up into sets which makes the cost lower. Only caveat is that you get the longer wave file, but you need to convert it to UltraRes in CabLab (this saves him paying licensing fees which means he can keep the cost per pack down). And I was mistaken about CabLab; it's $29.95.....still more than worth it though.
I just want to interject to clarify, it's not the fees preventing me from releasing the files for the libraries so far in pre-converted Ultra-Res format, it's the terms. I can't go into any further detail, however I don't want people to think I'm just being cheap. :lol
Either way, all of Kevin/ Own Hammer's work is stellar. I'm loving the new high gain stuff. The Mesa cabs gave me a hard on so big, local birds have started to perch on it.
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Many of the older IRs, that got created before UlteaRes got developed, are available as wav files and their lenght and their content is different. Many of them are too short to make sence to get converted to UR format, but there's also a lot where the wav files are long enough and the sound decay is long enough, so you can buy Cablab and convert them. You shiuld get a free software like wavelab or alike to get able to see the lenght and the decay of such files.
Best thing to do, is, if you have an IR that is your favorite ( pre-UltraRes ), is to convert it to UlraRes via Cab Lab, and A/B it with the HiRes version... While many of the wav files are shorter than the UltraRes spec, they can still have enough information to create a NEW UltraRes file with more detail in the low and low mid frequencies...
I am looking for some High gain presets for 80's tones of the likes of Mark Day for Whitenake, GNR , Floyd, Ozzy , Journey, RATT, Van -Halen, Scorpions etc

Does anyone have a tutorial on how to get started using Cablab to create great receipies using the Free Ultra IRs on the thread " A compilation thread of free ultrares IRs " or the new Paid IRs from any specific company ?

There are so many IRs ( paid or Free ) to choose from that it is a daunting task to get started and to know what preset to use with what cab .
I am looking for some High gain presets for 80's tones of the likes of Mark Day for Whitenake, GNR , Floyd, Ozzy , Journey, RATT, Van -Halen, Scorpions etc

Does anyone have a tutorial on how to get started using Cablab to create great receipies using the Free Ultra IRs on the thread " A compilation thread of free ultrares IRs " or the new Paid IRs from any specific company ?

There are so many IRs ( paid or Free ) to choose from that it is a daunting task to get started and to know what preset to use with what cab .

I hope this helps. Scott did a great tutorial on this.

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