Cliff & Company: What FRFR/Monitors do YOU use for reference monitoring?


Power User
Just thought of this today.

Since reference monitoring is absolutely CRITICAL to getting the right sounds out of a modeler, I'm curious what the inventor and constant tweaker of the device uses to test the sounds. I'm sure he/they use different setups, but I'm assuming there has to be a MAIN starting point that is the baseline. Top-level studio monitors? FRFR like a JBL/EV or CLR?
Actually, only the last 2 post (talking about how great Matrix amps are) are from 2013. threads about the gear they're using (matrix and JBL), here at the office and The first 50 presets are all from 2012. So almost 2 years ago they were using the Matrix amp and JBL speakers as their reference equipment. Considering all the new products introduced at various trade shows, two years is a long time.

If you click on "Source", it brings you to the thread, which has a date. Most are from 2013, so I'd go with yes.
Actually, only the last 2 post (talking about how great Matrix amps are) are from 2013. threads about the gear they're using (matrix and JBL), here at the office and The first 50 presets are all from 2012. So almost 2 years ago they were using the Matrix amp and JBL speakers as their reference equipment. Considering all the new products introduced at various trade shows, two years is a long time.

Those JBLs sounded really nice at Axe-fest a couple of years ago.
For his desktop monitors, I think Cliff mentioned it somewhere, but I can't find it back...


- Cliff: 5" monitors usually don't cut it. You want something with an 8" or larger IME.
Those JBLs sounded really nice at Axe-fest a couple of years ago.
Yeah a couple of years ago was not all that happy with the solution I was using and not sure were to go.
Then heard the JBL's at the NY Amp Show, a few weeks later I got a pair, very happy with them.
Glad I went to that show just made the decision so easy.

For his desktop monitors, I think Cliff mentioned it somewhere, but I can't find it back...


- Cliff: 5" monitors usually don't cut it. You want something with an 8" or larger IME.

im ok with 5" monitors, i think you just need to have a good understanding of what "enough bass" or too much bass sounds like on those speakers. easily achieved by listening to music through them :)
My Yamaha MSP5 have 5" Woofers, it's definitely not enough, if you really want to know what's going on in the low section of the 7.String-Guitar or 6-String-Bass-Range. I'm using them with a RCF Ayra10 Active-Subwoofer, with 90 hz Cutoff-Frequency for the MSP's.
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