Clean 2 Mean - Amp Collection


So I've put together a collection of my favourite amps and would love to know what people think! Inspired partly by @austinbuddy live gold and @yek EV12l collection that he posted a while back. The presets are very simple using only 4 scenes clean to mean.

  • The input boost has been adjusted per amp so play around with that
  • The drive block features 4 channels of my favourite drives (not all have been dialled in but are pretty close off the bat)
  • The delay block features 4 different types of delays
  • Cab selection varies between dynacabs and legacy depending on what I thought sounded best for the amp.
  • I've gone for an amp in the room feel with all of them as I mainly play on headphones so expect to see some room mics! These are easily turned off though.
  • Lo cut and Hi Cut have been left alone.

Let me know if you like them and if anyone has any suggestions on how to make them better! Hope you enjoy them.




  • 090_RA Bogner Shiva (SC - C2M).syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 62
  • 089_RA Silver Jubilee (SC - C2M).syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 52
  • 088_RA Mesa Lonestar (SC - C2M).syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 53
  • 087_RA Bogner Ecstasy (SC - C2M).syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 51
  • 086_RA Dirty Shirley (SC - C2M).syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 51
  • 084_RA Plexi 1987x (SC - C2M).syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 51
  • 083_RA Matchless DC30 (SC - C2M).syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 50
  • 082_RA Morgan AC20 (SC - C2M).syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 49
  • 079_RA Deluxe Reverb (SC - C2M).syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 49
Thank's heaps for these. Many of these amps are my favourites and my main go to for playing live.
I am really impressed with your gain staging...keeping everything under the red and still with plenty of grunt for solo's etc.
I am now converting my live rig to these. {FM9)
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