Chef's Paramore

Swedish Chef

Power User
I tried to upload my guitar-cover of this song in its entirety on Soundcloud but it was taken down numerous times due to copyright infringement. Even smaller parts of it was taken down. I guess the recording is too close to the original... Here are some excerpts out of the guitar tracks I laid. I also uploaded the song as an Mp3 on Filedropper - link below. The only things from the original recording are the drums, bass and lead vocals - the rest is the Axe-FX 2. I used my Tyler SE and Guild Bluesbird on this. Patches are below, all stock cabs. Let me know what you think. Took me a lot of time to get them right. Enjoy! :D

:mrgreen Be sure to let me know what you think. :mrgreen
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Incredible is all I will say. How do you remove the original guitar parts so convicingly? Is this is genuine it at least confirms to all doubters that the axe fx2 can successfully replace tube amps in the studio. I suppose the only drawback would be the time it takes to get the exact tones.
Incredible is all I will say. How do you remove the original guitar parts so convicingly? Is this is genuine it at least confirms to all doubters that the axe fx2 can successfully replace tube amps in the studio. I suppose the only drawback would be the time it takes to get the exact tones.

Thanks! Yes, the Axe-FX 2 is incredible... I find myself spending days on end with this box... I find playback, karaoke, remix bundles and video game tracks online. These are mostly multitrack... Then I simply delete the tracks containing guitars and re-record them, after nailing their tone first of course. You can also find a bunch of stuff on YouTube, audio tracks with deleted guitars. Hope you find the patches useful. Song tempo is 131 Bpm btw, in case you want to use the clean/filter patch. More to come soon...
Pretty close! Could use more guitar volume and some thickness/fatness to it, maybe some compression... but other than that, fairly close. Nice job man!
Swedish.. I do appreciate your effort..
sounds good very good to me and my system.. nice job!

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Awesome job, man, hats down! Could you please give me some hint about the clean tone? I was asked by friends doing a Paramore tribute to help them recording a demo and one of the songs covered is That's What You get. I'm using my recently bought Ultra for guitars & bass but I couldn't figure out the concept of the clean tone yet. Did you use a stereo delay with formant filter on the delayed notes?
bluevoodoo, thanks for the comment - you're too kind! Sorry I missed your question, I got your PM though. This patch is quite tricky to set up, you need to know your way around the unit. I'll try to give you a description of what's going on in the patch later this evening when I'm back from the "kitchen"... ;)
OK, here you have the basic layout. Actually you're not very far off. This sound is made up of a delay and filter. However, I used the Quad Delay and a Lowpass Filter.

Amp: I used the Bassman. Other clean amps will work for you.

Delay: Use the Quad setting of the Multi Delay. You need 2 repeats which do not decay in amplitude. Set the tempo and rhythm to that you hear. Basically you will play ONE and the delay will give you TWO, THREE.

Copy this layout and delay setting:


Now place a lowpass filter after it and experiment with the LFO1 controller. I think the ratio between the filter and delay is 2:1...


You will need a bunch of more blocks to bring this sound to its place. Post audio clips of your patch and I'll guide you further... Experiment, have fun!
SOUNDS REALLY GOOD! However, I would use the AC30 Top Boost model for the dirty rhythms. It has that midrangy rock'n'roll tone, perfect for this song. I feel your tone is a little too heavy metalish. Again, that might be what you're going for and in that regard - disregard. For the clean parts, it needs to be brighter and louder. Pan them right left... Here's my quick full mix of this song with the covered guitar parts:
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This will end in tears. People will start making songs with these patches thinking they'll become the next Paramore. Then reality hits you in the face and tells you people only listen to Paramore because of Haley.... :(
This will end in tears. People will start making songs with these patches thinking they'll become the next Paramore. Then reality hits you in the face and tells you people only listen to Paramore because of Haley.... :(

IMO, the older music with the original band members is quite a bit better than their newer stuff. I think Haley is very talented, but so were the original guys. Problem is the typical target audience for their music probably couldn't give a rats ass at all. :mrgreen
IMO, the older music with the original band members is quite a bit better than their newer stuff. I think Haley is very talented, but so were the original guys. Problem is the typical target audience for their music probably couldn't give a rats ass at all. :mrgreen

I like all 4 records. theyre all WAY different. I hated brand new eyes for months because it wasnt "Riot 2" until i really gave it a shot, now I love it. So I decided to listen to the new record with no expectations, and i'm super into it.
man, that is dead on Chef! I even listened to them both back to back. Great work :) It's hard to believe all the stuff you did in the layout. Wow. Just shows how much potential the box really has. Thanks very much for sharing the presets, screenshots and your great work :D
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