Cheesy pre-X-mas ballad, Strat, Blackface & some drive.

Andi-O, what I like about your clips is that you're one of the rare guys around here who demonstrates the cleaner side of the Axe-Fx. Decent brutality is pretty easy to nail on the Axe-Fx, but nice cleans is a tougher job. Very nice clip.
Love the tone and the note choices and the playing!

If that's cheese, then you'd better package it and sell it to Kraft.

Andi-Sounds great as always. Real nice tone you have-well always.
BTW-Which Kloppmans do you have on the relic?
Thanks fellows for the kind words!

AAEN, I already posted the patch in this thread: - I updated to 3.02 this weekend and didn't have to adjust this patch at all, works great under 3.02!

Stratman68, I have a custom made Kloppmann Set in my daphne blue Relic, the neck pu is a rather hot '64 model, the bridge is a modified '63 Tele bridge (don't ask about the middle picklup, no idea ;)). The guitar also has a dummy coil wiring to get rid of hum, the dummy coil gets blended in with the second tone poti. I have the same wiring in my second Relic Strat which has got a modified Blug Set in it (changed the bridge pu to the same pickup as the daphne blue has got).

Cool thanks!
I´ll download it and as soon I get my AXE II(Hopefully just before christmas) I will put it to use.


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