Check out new version of Al’s FracTool


Fractal Fanatic
Check out @AlGrenadine latest version of his FracTool. There is now an AxeFx III graphic and options to convert to AxeFx III format. Now before we all start wetting our pants I tried it and I don’t thinks it’s implemented yet however the fact that he’s now included the graphic as well as AxeFx III options tells me he has something cooking.

Take my money, Al !
FracTool's preset pdf export as proven quite useful in the mean time. I've had a few presets that I needed to move over to my III, and I no longer have a II to view them with.
I’m suffering converting all my preset from II to III. I have about 60 complex patches to convert.

It’s so time consuming/waiste for such a dumb task of copy and paste manually. It takes much more time than I thought.

Fractool would help so much... :(:(:(
I’ve got 15 of my presets transferred over from my AX8. Only 25 more to go. :) I was hoping to use it for a gig at the House of Blues June 23rd but I’m leaning towards using my AX8. While I’ve got my MFC doing pretty much whatever I need to control the III there are a few quirks there. I think I’d rather just wait till I get an FC. Hopefully... soon. :p
I’ve got 15 of my presets transferred over from my AX8. Only 25 more to go. :) I was hoping to use it for a gig at the House of Blues June 23rd but I’m leaning towards using my AX8. While I’ve got my MFC doing pretty much whatever I need to control the III there are a few quirks there. I think I’d rather just wait till I get an FC. Hopefully... soon. :p
Yeah man, Took the III out last night for a first run. Short gig, three hours two long sets. Not quite where I need it yet but in all honesty I built all the presets in headphones so lol. Used the III on the first set and resorted back to the XL+ for the second set. Damn that new synth block is smooooove!
I backed up all of my Axe II presets...I would pay money for something that would help automate the conversion of these to the III...
I backed up all of my Axe II presets...I would pay money for something that would help automate the conversion of these to the III...
Not to fear Al is here! Just a matter of time before the master gets the tools together to make that happen. Might be be months away but at some point it will happen. Ive resigned to the fact I will just have to keep trying to build presets in the III to match my XL+ by hand till that time comes. When time permits...................
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