Changing the expression pedal source


Can I change the Expression pedal source (EXT Control 1(Wah)) to EXT Control 2 with one press of a button?
Like to have a Expression Pedal that controls all my effects volumes and feedbacks the same time.
But i have no room anymore for a additional pedal.
You can set your Wah modifier to work only in one channel and then change the Wah block's channel anytime you want to use that pedal for something else. That will temporarily stop Auto Engage from working on the Wah. That's the simplest way to use the Wah pedal for something else.
Do you have room for micro expression pedals? I use the full size XPDL for wah, etc but have separate micro pedals - basically a knob that can be controlled by foot - for master level and for FX mix (lower right):


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You can set your Wah modifier to work only in one channel and then change the Wah block's channel anytime you want to use that pedal for something else. That will temporarily stop Auto Engage from working on the Wah. That's the simplest way to use the Wah pedal for something else.
Thanks, that's an idea,
Only I have to do that with the Wah block and 5 other blocks, that's a hustle.

And unix-guy did post this question already in 2020 i saw !!!!
So my hopes are already sinking in my shoes

Can't be that hard huh
RJM can do it, also Liquid Foot and Voes Midi Controllers can

It's not so much for me,
I build pedalboards with FM3 and FM9, etc..
And I get that question a lot from customers.
Because an FM9 and 3 Expression pedals is really big
Now I propose the voes MX-EX to be built in together with the FM9, then it is possible to change CC with a flick of a switch.
And then we usually add a few more buttons


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While you cannot re-assign the expression pedal in that way, there almost always is as way to have the XPDL serve the different functions as desired - for example, by having it controlling different parameters in different scenes or even within scenes by changing bypass states and/or channels of FX blocks. For example, I have the same XPDL sometimes control wah and sometimes control volume and sometimes specific FX parameters (like delay time or feedback, or pitch mod in the pitch block ...) without having to reassign anything - i.e., and pressing either a control switch or changing scenes results in the XPDL controlling the different parameter(s).

If you give us a specific preset or scenario perhaps we can provide insight on how we might address it - in the 'wah' vs 'delay mix/feedback' scenario, for example, as alluded to above you can have the XPDL controlling wah in one or more scenes, but then in the other scenes the XPDL controls the delay mix/feedback - either by assigning the modifier only to one scene or by using the mixer to, for example, bypass the wah in the scenes where you want the XPDL to control the delay mix/feedback (i.e., the XPDL is still assigned to and controlling the wah, including the auto engage feature, but because the audio from the wah is muted by the mixer it is effectively 'bypassed').
It's not so much for me,
I build pedalboards with FM3 and FM9, etc..
And I get that question a lot from customers.
Because an FM9 and 3 Expression pedals is really big

Understood! My small board is an FM3 plus a Dunlop mini VP and 2 small external foot switches, so my single XPDL serves many different duties - wah, volume swells, delay time/feedback, pitch mod, solo boost - sometimes all within a single preset (typically varying with each scene).


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While you cannot re-assign the expression pedal in that way, there almost always is as way to have the XPDL serve the different functions as desired - for example, by having it controlling different parameters in different scenes or even within scenes by changing bypass states and/or channels of FX blocks. For example, I have the same XPDL sometimes control wah and sometimes control volume and sometimes specific FX parameters (like delay time or feedback, or pitch mod in the pitch block ...) without having to reassign anything - i.e., and pressing either a control switch or changing scenes results in the XPDL controlling the different parameter(s).

If you give us a specific preset or scenario perhaps we can provide insight on how we might address it - in the 'wah' vs 'delay mix/feedback' scenario, for example, as alluded to above you can have the XPDL controlling wah in one or more scenes, but then in the other scenes the XPDL controls the delay mix/feedback - either by assigning the modifier only to one scene or by using the mixer to, for example, bypass the wah in the scenes where you want the XPDL to control the delay mix/feedback (i.e., the XPDL is still assigned to and controlling the wah, including the auto engage feature, but because the audio from the wah is muted by the mixer it is effectively 'bypassed').
Yes I know, you can do a lot, if not everything with scenes ;-)
And now with seamless switching i can even go to another preset and control my effects by the Wah exp pedal.

And thanks, but I know how to program all that, I've been playing with fractal for over 15 years
It's just for convenience' sake
That's why I buy a modeler, for convenience
I don't want to think, i just want to hit a Button, ;-)
And thanks, but I know how to program all that, I've been playing with fractal for over 15 years
It's just for convenience' sake
That's why I buy a modeler, for convenience
I don't want to think, i just want to hit a Button, ;-)

Apologies - I assumed from your initial question coupled with the fact that you’re a pro rig builder that you must be relatively new to the platform, though perhaps I’ve I misunderstood your question.
My kitchen sink preset has an FC button dedicated to switching one exp pedal between controlling wah / tremolo. It uses the multiplexer and is pretty easy to setup. Essentially, it routes around the Wah when not in use so it doesn't matter that it auto engages. I just wish that we had more multiplexer blocks!

Is that the ask here? Switching the exp between two uses? Or is it for more than two? If so, I am sure it could be done (to some limits ofc), but the routing would get pretty complex - which is one of my favorite puzzle games :)

You can set your Wah modifier to work only in one channel and then change the Wah block's channel anytime you want to use that pedal for something else. That will temporarily stop Auto Engage from working on the Wah. That's the simplest way to use the Wah pedal for something else.

I am probably missing something here, but doesn't this mean that you have to burn a button to turn off the Wah and then another to turn something else on?
My kitchen sink preset has an FC button dedicated to switching one exp pedal between controlling wah / tremolo. It uses the multiplexer and is pretty easy to setup. Essentially, it routes around the Wah when not in use so it doesn't matter that it auto engages. I just wish that we had more multiplexer blocks!

Is that the ask here? Switching the exp between two uses? Or is it for more than two? If so, I am sure it could be done (to some limits ofc), but the routing would get pretty complex - which is one of my favorite puzzle games :)

I am probably missing something here, but doesn't this mean that you have to burn a button to turn off the Wah and then another to turn something else on?
Well, with the Multiplexer it is easy to switch between 2 blocks, especially if the 2 blocks are at the front of the chain.
But switching between one block at the beginning of the chain, and 5 modifiers of 5 blocks at the end of the chain is difficult.

I just want to switch between the Wah block and "Effect Vol" of all my Effects


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If you are only using one channel in your wah block and all your other effects then this can be done easily with Scenes.
Thanks Scarbodave.
Yes, I can solve everything with scenes
If I make presets for each song, ...
With scenes you can solve almost every question here.

I just want to have access to my third virtual pedal at all times without having to think about which scenes I programmed this into.
If I have to sacrifice a scene for every problem, I'll quickly run out of scenes ;-)
That's why I buy a Fractal.
Well, with the Multiplexer it is easy to switch between 2 blocks, especially if the 2 blocks are at the front of the chain.
But switching between one block at the beginning of the chain, and 5 modifiers of 5 blocks at the end of the chain is difficult.

I just want to switch between the Wah block and "Effect Vol" of all my Effects

Like you, I don't want to use scenes to change exp functionality. A single Control Switch solves it for me in both the beginning and end of my chain.

Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 6.21.22 AM.png
The red lines denote the blocks that use a single Control Switch which is tied to a single FC button. MultiPlexer block uses it to switch between row 1 and 2 for the Wah in or out of the signal path. The mixer block does essentially the same thing by using the same control switch to make Row 5 0% or 100% and Row 6 1000% or 0%. (illustrating that there are multiple ways to accomplish the row switching)

For your setup, if you are using the same input gain for each of your effects then I would play around with using a parallel single block to switch in or out with volume (a filter block is the cheapest way) controlled by the exp that replicates the purpose of the input gain on your effects. I am assuming that you want the input gain of all the effects blocks to be at a fixed % when using the wah and exp controllable when not.
Actually, I would feed all of the parallel effects into a mixer block and have the exp control the levels of each row. This way, you can have totally different settings for the exp control.
Thank You Fuzzyoctaves,
Actually i do not use the same input gain for each of my effects, it was just an example.
I made a simple preset to make it easiest to explain, ;-)
But you did give me an idea to do it another way thanks
Here is one of my preset


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Actually, I would feed all of the parallel effects into a mixer block and have the exp control the levels of each row. This way, you can have totally different settings for the exp control.
That's what my preset was like
Actually, I would feed all of the parallel effects into a mixer block and have the exp control the levels of each row. This way, you can have totally different settings for the exp control.
But you can not Bypass a Mixer Block? why not?
Why don't they just make all the blocks the same in that regard?


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