Challenge: Recreate the Mesa Mark Series Graphic EQ

Hi all, hope you are well.

The title gives you the idea. I do not have access to a Mark Series Amp (specifically Mark IIC+, IV or V) otherwise i would attempt this myself.

Great sounds can be achieve with specifically shaped IR's etc - but i'm after the real deal coming right out of my Mesa Recto 4x12. I want to be able to observe recommended Graphic EQ settings, *cough* Petrucci Settings for example *cough*, and get a pretty good idea of what is being achieved WITHOUT having to buy a Mesa Mark amp!

I mean...

...thats why we got the Axe, right?!

This is for my Standard, but im sure it will transfer equally to Ultras and AFIIs.

SO, Im looking for someone to: (either from schematics, measurement, or VERY sharp ear)

Provide a graph for each frequency fader from the Mesa 5-Band EQ, plotting Boost/Cut in dB against the non-constant 'Q' value.

That's it. Possibly only achievable with measuring equipment as the front panel has no markings and the sliders are logarithmic i.e. most of the boost/cut is near the end of the slider travel.
As a side note: anyone that could provide this data and pair it with a visual representation of what dB value occurs at which point along the slider!

I'm sure we have all found the details in the Axe Wiki etc, they are a GREATLY appreciated starting point (thanks Yek, Shredi Knight), i feel this however would be the final chapter to that information and would be a very useful completing addition to the pre-existing data.

I get the deal of 'use your ears' and 'if it sounds good to you-it probably is!' but i need more than that- i need in this situation the ability to tweak with my eyes to get into a ballpark so i can have my Virtual Axeified Mark V and rule the world!!! Muhahahaha!

There is an exhausting amount of Q values/dB readings combinations etc and there are people on this fantastic forum i know that have the expertise and the knowledge to pull this off.

Again, this is specifically for playing through a poweramp to a cab i.e. No Cabinet Simulation. I currently am an Art SLA2 user, soon upgrading to the Matrix GT. However, the 'values are the values'- so poweramp choice shouldn't really hinder the effectivness of this process.

Lastly, all input is welcome from every user on this forum, i'm sure it will help others like me fully realise their goals and dreams with the Axe Fx- but, i specifically want this achieved. As such, i am presenting this as a paid job. Anyone whom can complete the task will be rewarded financially and with my eternal appreciation (and that of other Axe-Users i'm sure).

So without further ado, Let the games begin!

Kind Regards,

already been done. the info is on the wiki, but here's the fx block...

View attachment 9310

drop this into workspace > axe edit > effects and then recall it from the editor when you select a PEQ block
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Nice idea

But best of all, I just love the setting of the scene and the build up... followed by simeon chipping in with classic comedy timing (which I also read with a Welsh accent!) to kill the adventure dead!
Thanks for your quick response and input guys!

I have that Effect Block already though, and it only simulates one position combination of the sliders? (Correct me if i'm wrong)

The issue is the fact that the Q value is not a constant. From what i understand, the more dB's pushed or cut, those Q figures are no longer relevant and will sound inaccurate.

I'm after the sliding scale, so i can for example: zap my '750' fader down to -15db and know that it is carving the correct amount out with the appropriate 'Q' value etc.

In essence, not just one setting, i want to virtualise the EQ section with a PEQ block (or two to allow for the +/-18dB ability the real amp has.

Any takers?!

yeah sorry about that...i did't mean to rain on your parade.... :)

well if you want to simulate other positions of the sliders, then all you have to do is simply change the gain on the 5 bands :) i presume the Q values are correct for mild boost and cut values, or are an average of the extremes

to accurately simulate the change in Q, you'll need to find out exactly how the Q changes with the boost/cut levels and mesa ain't talkin'. i've no idea whether that information is available anywhere. i emailed mesa about it a couple of years ago and they didn't get back to me. maybe someone else will have more luck... or perhaps someone could actually find out what they are by attempting to analyse a real eq. it would be great to have, for sure...

Cliff was a Recto player not a Mark player FWIW. Given all the EQ options we have in the Axe, recreating the 5 band EQ exactly as it was honestly seems like a "so we can say we did" activity and someone already did a chunk of that.
I'm all for someone flawlessly duping it if they want to, but I don't see it as a burning issue. Having played a Mark, it was largely a set it and forget it EQ, not something that was tweaked all the time, unlike the two stage gain and some of the knobs on the back.

Simeon: Exactly, i have experience the same with no talk from Mesa (understandably). The only way i'm sure will be some form of pink noise/frequency analysis. As a side, if anyone knows HOW it would be done, but don't have the facilities themselves, i'm after this so bad i might buy/rent the necessary tools and purchase a Mark V with a 14-day window of return to achieve it all! I sound desperate right?!

Sixstring: On some level the question has to be asked 'why?' this hasn't been done already by Cliff or forum members. But from what i understand, i'm sure Cliff is of the opinion that he has provided the tools and the means, we as users need to make it happen if we so choose. If it couldn't be achieved, he would have provided a solution already (the EQ being such an integral part of the 'Mark' amp sims he has included within his product) I'm sure also he would view the onboard graphic eq as 'less than ideal' due to certain components etc and at no point has he ever tried to create Amp Sims 'warts n' all'.

FPFL: I understand your point of view, which is why i haven't conducted myself like a minority on this forum and cried, complained, or demanded like spoilt brats in the Wish List section treating it as an 'essential' element to our 'essential' Firmware 12 upgrade! lol Everyone here has a different way to use the Axe, and different musical aims.

I personally bought the Axe to replace my Mesa Road King and Mark IV for the flexibility of having a virtual tube-less Mesa amp all in one box, with any EQ/Distortion/Effect/Volume combo i desired, and the perfect sound FOH without a microphone in sight! Many will scoff at how little of the potential of this unit i am utilising, but hey! It's mine, and that's what i want! :)

My thinking is: The USA Lead sims with power amp sim off, fed to the PEQ with the settings to be uncovered as a result of this thread, fed out to a Mesa 2:90 and ultimately the Recto 4x12 will make me very happy.

So, c'mon guys! So many views....any thoughts?

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