Can't dial a good sounding higain patch


New Member

Had my Ultra now for two weeks and I'm really happy with it except for one thing. I haven't been able to create a good sounding higain patch yet.

My setup:

Guitar -> AxeFX -> Mackie 402 -> Beyerdynamic DT770.

PA sim on
Cab sim on
Checked that the settings in I/O menu are right

The problem is the huge amount of highs/high mids. I've experimented with different amps and amp settings. I've tried to fiddle with the global EQ and placing EQs in the matrix but can't seem to get good high gain lead/rhythm tone out of it. Can't even tell the amp models from eachother because to my ears all the characteristics are buried by the harshness of the sound.

People seem to have good experiences of the DT770s with the Axe so I guess it can't be that?

Can the mixer color the sound that much?

Advice is greatly appreciated!
Can you give an example of a patch you're using? Like, the way blocks are connected, the basics of your amp settings and what cab you're using.
It's possible you're clipping somewhere in the signal chain, does turning the output down on the axe and then the main out on the mixer up to compensate help anything?
When you say harsh, do you mean that it's just so bright that it's unpleasant, or does it sound almost like something is broken? If it's the latter, I'm actually having a similar problem myself.
High gain sounds that sound great by themselves often sound horrible with a band or in a recording and vice versa. I know that's not much of a suggestion but do take a moment to reflect on it.
glenecho said:
High gain sounds that sound great by themselves often sound horrible with a band or in a recording and vice versa. I know that's not much of a suggestion but do take a moment to reflect on it.

Yea, you're absolutely right, but I'm still wondering if the harshness is normal or not. Might be that it's all in my head really... :D And also that the "adaptation"-period is still on...

Dialed two patches with USA Lead1 on the first and IIC+ 1 on the second and recorded a short clip of both (only Amp&Cab on the grid) ... dID=940556

With USA Lead1 I'm somewhat happy.

Tom said:
When you say harsh, do you mean that it's just so bright that it's unpleasant, or does it sound almost like something is broken? If it's the latter, I'm actually having a similar problem myself.

It's so bright and trebly that it's unpleasant. Don't know if that's because something is broken (if it were, what could be broken?) or because I haven't practised enough dialing or something else...
Too harsh you say?

Try the Cornford! It's got more bass than lake michigan! hahaha

A lot of high gainers don't think about that amp but it's actually got quite a bit of saturation on tap. I never have to get it past 5 or 6 unless I'm going to chug town.
thinkpad20 has a great thread on dialing in an awesome high gain patch, try a search by his member name.

I honestly have had horrible results in my few weeks wit the axe, dialing in a good sound with the IIc+ and IV models through an amp and cab set up (different story straight through the comp...). After listening to your clips, it sounds like the same thing, like a blanket is over the speakers. I ended up switching to different models to avoid me getting too upset and chucking the piece. good luck!
OTW said:
glenecho said:
High gain sounds that sound great by themselves often sound horrible with a band or in a recording and vice versa. I know that's not much of a suggestion but do take a moment to reflect on it.

Yea, you're absolutely right, but I'm still wondering if the harshness is normal or not. Might be that it's all in my head really... :D And also that the "adaptation"-period is still on...

Dialed two patches with USA Lead1 on the first and IIC+ 1 on the second and recorded a short clip of both (only Amp&Cab on the grid) ... dID=940556

With USA Lead1 I'm somewhat happy.

Tom said:
When you say harsh, do you mean that it's just so bright that it's unpleasant, or does it sound almost like something is broken? If it's the latter, I'm actually having a similar problem myself.

It's so bright and trebly that it's unpleasant. Don't know if that's because something is broken (if it were, what could be broken?) or because I haven't practised enough dialing or something else...
I listened to your IIC+ clip, but it doesn't sound that bright to me!? Listen on your system to a commercial recording, with only a high gain guitar to compare.

Those clips you posted sound fine, if anything really dark. I would turn the presence up a good bit. Can you post a clip of what the bad high end sounds like?
In my experience all headphones have more high end then speakers. Even DT770s. As said, listen to other soundsources containing similar tones like you would like to have and see how they compare.

If you have the Ultra you might want to try the multiband compressor. There's a tutorial on the Wiki.
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