Can you recommend some electric strings?

Snake Oil Brand Pure Nickel .095's. They have the best tone I've ever heard past the
12th fret of the high E string.

Pure nickel huh? Interesting. I'm guessing they are a bit less strident in the higher harmonics? How does the elasticity compare? Easy bending?
elixier nanowebs 10's FTW

i went through stage of trying new brand/make every time i restrung

however i've now settled on nanowebs and buy them 10 packs at time

Although with coated strings you lose a bit twang, you gain in the fact they don't oxidize and they are fairly durable
Ok, I love Thomastik Infelds, the Infeld Super Alloy for my Strat and the Power Brights and with Heavy Bottoms for just about everything else ... but lately I've been trying Circle K strings, on my RG2228 and Strat, and I really like their feel and sound ... a lot! So much so, I bought a pair for each of my guitars. Check out Circle K, you will not be disappointed.

I have just ordered my first set of Thomastik Infeld Power Brights from Guitar Strings and Beyond they arrive in a week or so. I'm interested in your reason to move to circle K strings - do they sound better than the Power Brights ? ...or was cost the main reason ?
I use the Ernie Ball RPS. I tried the Ernie Ball Cobalts, they last forever but they have more tension on the neck. The same gauge strings and I had to readjust the neck. They're also harder to bend.

Before I discovered SOB's, I use steel 9's because that's the heaviest gauge I can bend or even play a lower barre chord on. But I hate steel 9's
because they have a tinny sound to them and I was looking for something better. So I Googled strings reviews
and read a lot of stuff on guitar forums. There were a lot of rave reviews for SOB pure nickels--if you could get them. They're about as hard to acquire as
and FX II. I was lucky and managed to order a set of 9.5's on my first try. I put them on and was immediately blown away by the tone and flexibility
of these strings. I tried to re-order 6 sets but was told they were on back order and was offered 8 sets of steel 9.5's for the price of my original order.

I figured, great, that's very nice of them. Only trouble was, when I got the steels I didn't like them nearly so much as I liked the nickels. I had to wait about
six weeks before I was able to place an order the SOB nickels. I still have about 4 or five of the SOB rock steels in my drawer. All my guitars are fitted with
SOB nickels, and I'm getting ready to order more, as I'm down to my last two sets.

I can't comment about their harmonics, as I'm lousy at getting harmonics out of my guitars, but I can say SOB nickels have the clearest, most stable tone at high
note levels of any string set I have ever used, and I do not plan on changing brands in the future. They are very elastic compared to steel strings, which is why
I use 9.5's and am considering trying a set of 10's to see what they do to my fingers. The 9.5's bend easy, don't break, and stay in tune. But what really
gets me is the tone--these strings sing and ring on the high E.
While I really liked the SOB strings I will not be attempting to get any more from them. I've never dealt with any company that had more reliability issues than them. It's been a couple of years and they may have gotten things worked out, but there was a period where there were a lot of people waiting for months to get their strings that had been ordered. I had one period in which I emailed Dean several times over a period of a few months and finally he sent me a number to call him. He seemed like a nice guy and was apologetic and explained that he had hired some people that were not working out and was struggling to get things straightened out. I finally got part of my order a few weeks later, and the rest of them a few weeks after that. Unfortunately I don't think his strings are so unbelievable that I'd be willing to risk going through that again.

I kind of like the EB Cobalts now, but it may actually be time to try a few different sets again and see if I can find something else I like. If the SOBs weren't such a risk, yeah, I'd probably still use them and I'd place another order.
I ordered six sets after posting last night. Was all set to order them from the SOB website when I remembered that I don't buy
from them. I ordered from, which is who I usually buy from. Got my order confirmation and await them.
Free shipping, but SOB's themselves are expensive, 12.99 a pack.

But you're right about the reliability thing. I've seen many posts from way back when complaining about backorder issues. Haven't
had any issues recently, though (knock, knock).

Oh, snap! Just got an email: they're out of 9.5's and won't have any for at least a month. Damn! Fortunately, I also ordered a couple of
sets of 10's and they're in stock, so we'll see how that turns out. Dang it.
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The one string that almost pulled me away from Boomers were the DR electric (not the super-bright nickel blues model - just their standard DR Electric Tite-Fit). I love the feel and sound of 'em. And I swear they bend easier than other strings of the same gauge, perhaps because they have a round, not hexagonal core. BUT: EVERY (and I mean EVERY) guitar tech I know says they don't hold intonation and/or that every set you put on alters intonation - you need to re-do intonation each time. I haven't tested this, and I still have a few sets left, so I may put one on my Strat and see, but if true, it's a damn shame - they bend easy, sound great, and keep their tone for a long time.

I liked DR Pure Blues on my Strat, nickel is a little warmer than their others, but agree with you on intonation. Had nothing but problems, and yes, I read the instructions and installed them correctly, lol. I've had at least 5 guitar techs tell me the same thing. Posts all over the internet about it. On my maple board Strat, I do prefer all nickel vs. nickel wrapped, and love the Pyramids when I can find them. Gonna have to order some this week.

Sent from my iPhone
Thanks for the info Rick. Against my better judgement I went ahead and ordered a few sets of SOBs from If they are in stock I'll be a happy camper and may continue ordering them from them... if not I guess we'll see how long it takes to get them from the supplier. I definitely like they way they sound and feel, so it's probably worth the risk to try them again.
I ordered 9-46 which isn't the standard 9, but sure enough I already got notification that they ship today. If this place can proved SOBs consistently, that makes me very happy. Thanks again for telling me about them!
I used SOBs several years back when they were all the rage on TGP and I loved them, especially the 9.5's on my Nocaster. Similar to others, I had trouble getting them at one point and had to move on. You guys have me tempted to try my luck again, at least ordering through a string shop.
Hi Guys, here is a forum gift. I took the initiative and got us a discount for SOB strings.:pride:
Sfarzo String Company via
5:20 PM (13 minutes ago)

to me
I set up a 30% discount for you guys. When checking out, do promo code : snake2014 Instead of $13.00 is is more like $9.00. I can offer that discount for three days.

Thank you :mrgreen

On Feb 20, 2014, at 11:44 PM, Klaus Houz wrote:

Hi, your company came up on the fractal forum the other day in a string topic. Of the hundreds of members only a few have tried them(as they are 3 x the price of others, most are hesitant). I and many others are on the fence about trying them. Any chance you can throw our forum a bone and give us a small discount for a limited time? If you decide to, I will be glad to post the message and purchase myself too! Thanks, Klaus
Here is the link>> Electric Guitar and Bass Strings Professional Guitar Strings for Professional Guitarists
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If you use #9 steels, you should have no problem with 9.5 SOB Pure Nickels.

Thanks, Klause. The discount works!
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I can not suggest any particulr strings to buy because every person has his own choice so you can buy strings from different companies and can try them out.
Well this whole thread is about recommending strings :) Im just asking what is so special about SOB strings compared to others? Which ones did you tried/ liked?
Well this whole thread is about recommending strings :) Im just asking what is so special about SOB strings compared to others? Which ones did you tried/ liked?
Really, the SOBs were the first strings I tried that really felt and sounded better to me than just the average EB, D'Addario, etc. They seem a bit fuller in tone, and they also seem to hold the tone longer between string changes. They cost 2-3 times what the cheap strings cost, but last at least that much longer... at least for me. They also seem a bit slinkier in feel and may be a bit easier to bend. Rick previously mentioned that if you like 9's in steel the 9.5 would be a good match.

As to which ones, I tried them when he only had one formula and I liked them. When he came out with the Rock formula I went with those and like them. (I think the original formula I tried is what they sell as Vintage now.) As for the difference between his rock and vintage sets, it's been so long ago that it would be hard for me to quantify a difference. I think I went with rock because they may be a bit higher output and maybe a touch brighter, but it's hard to say for sure. I stuck with .009-.046, because I like slinkier strings for the treble strings and a slightly stiffer feel on the low ones.
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