Can We Stop Calling It A Home Studio?

Here are a few pics from my home studio, set up in a basement that is in pretty bad shape In 10 days, I have to start breaking this down in order to move. Taking my largest spare bedroom for this desk and rack I think most of my amps and cabs will live in the garage, while guitars will be in the music room closet and walk in closets under climate control

That, I can 100% agree with.

The rest of it, I pretty much disagree with, but it comes down to that point in the end. FWIW, there is a fairly extensive list of hardware I'd buy if I were tracking, well beyond variety in microphones.
disagreeing is fine, and even welcome. Our experiences for whatever reasons have been different. I’m not calling BS on your experience. It is what it is and unless you’re in the business of selling plugins and software, have little motive to fabricate facts.

As for tracking, I’ve considered picking up a small 500 series rack and a few outboard pres, but I’ve gotten fair mileage out of my Apollo unison pres so far. I have all of their software so I usually pull up the API pre and it always gets the job done for me. I only have 4 inputs left out of 48, and I’m waiting on whatever the next generation flagship UA interface is before expanding out. I’m really hoping on Madi so I can get this Eventide off physical IO, that’ll free up another 16 IO.
To me the undercurrent of this thread seems to be about gatekeeping. So... question for the gatekeepers: define 'studio'.

Years I did demo work for some kids whose parents let them build a recording space in their detached garage. Totally improvised, crude vocal booth, sound treatment barely a step above the proverbial eggcrates on the walls. They all called it the studio. Is that NOT a studio?

I knew a vocalist who called her car her rehearsal studio.

I've also heard some totally in-the-box production values that make me realize a studio with all the outboard gear in the world is sometimes irrelevant.
The implication of “Home Studio” is amateur recording.
I think that's the point I was making about gatekeeping, most of which comes from preconceived ideas about the gear, space, etc that from my point of view are limiting.

I've met people who for various reasons, compose and record in spaces and with gear, often intentionally as part of the creative process, that a limited mindset thinker might reject.

Edit: also some people gatekeep and therefore limit themselves with preconceived ideas. Marketing hype often reinforces it.
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That may be in your mind... It's not in mine.
This seems to be the general consensus based on how people have been responding to this post.

Some don’t care what it’s called, others think it’s based on location and there’re few who think the contents of audio gear seem to matter. Then theres the assertion that it’s hobby related and that since they’re not a professional then it doesn’t warrant the titular studio.
People are allowed to have goals that do not include money, dont they? Even in a capitalist society. You do realize they make music in Russia, too.
I'm really confused about what you mean by that. Do you consider modern day Russia or China to actually be socialist countries where people only play music which gov wants and only because gov says so, for no money or to praise the country? They are as capitalist as anyone else

I think that with ubiquity of affordable DAWs, interfaces and every other facet of the recording industry accessible to most, then it could be assumed that most recordings 9/10 times would have been recorded in a non traditional studio environment.

So unless the production was recorded in a traditional studio from the times of yore, in which you’ll state the name of that studio…then let’s just call our home studios, “the studio or studio”
I think we've come full circle and closed the loop on this one. :)
I'm really confused about what you mean by that. Do you consider modern day Russia or China to actually be socialist countries where people only play music which gov wants and only because gov says so, for no money or to praise the country? They are as capitalist as anyone else

Dial the clock back maybe 50 years and re apply. Thanks.
I know a pretty big name who shoots off tracks all over the world for projects off of his laptop in his kitchen table. He probably wouldn’t call that his studio.
Oh no, I have no intention of going there or argue about that. Neither does Bruce, I guess.
I just really didn't understand what was the idea behind the quoted part.
Some of us who grew up with the iron curtain still intact have a view of Russia (USSR in those days) that is just ingrained and hard to kick. Whether or not that is how it was, that is how it was portrayed and you’ll find many old timers like myself with some probably pretty dated or incorrect views on it. We basically got our education on Russia watching Rocky 4 and old bomb shelter procedure videos. And this one……if you know, you know

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I know a pretty big name who shoots off tracks all over the world for projects off of his laptop in his kitchen table. He probably wouldn’t call that his studio.
I know some pretty small names who do the same. Respectfully, I really don't care what anyone calls it.
I appreciate the discussion but am not overly concerned about what you call your studio space.
My focus is on the art not the gear. I've seen broke-ass artists who paint or sculpt in falling down sheds and trust fund kids who have massive spaces with every amenity. Which one is a studio?

You can be creative just about anywhere. This thread just goes in circles most of which is a gatekeeper cringe vibe to it.
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I can definitely appreciate your viewpoint, but the thread is about what different setups are called and regarded as, isn’t it?
Not really, it's mostly seems to be about people telling other people what to call their creative space, and if it's a 'studio' or not. My view is that it doesn't matter.

I asked earlier, "what's a studio"?
Not really, it's mostly seems to be about people telling other people what to call their creative space, and if it's a 'studio' or not. My view is that it doesn't matter.

I asked earlier, "what's a studio"?
Did someone here tell someone else what to call their creative space?

I “call” my toilet a throne and no one can say otherwise. That really doesn’t make it a throne, though. I’m happy calling my home studio a home studio. If someone else doesn’t think it is, that’s ok too. Like you say, it doesn’t really matter. But it can certainly be discussed, can’t it?
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