can we get some info on these nes FAS IR's!?



there was a thread actually but i can't find it anymore.
the "IR's subforum" also has only two sites, wasn't there more!?

anyways, any info would be nice :)
Well they have 265 IR's collected at day's end according to their post on FB a few moments ago and said to keep our eyes on axe exchange...also see that they shot some bass cabs!
Sorry if this has been answered before but do they plan to add some of these new IRs to a future firmware?
I sure hope they add some more factory IR's. I'm going to be running low on the 50 user cabs pretty quickly!
looks like an ampeg 8x10

The facebook pic looked like a shorter cab to me? Most tracking rooms I've seen don't use the 8x10 but use 1x15, 1x12 or 4x10 ported, for bass amp tracking but who knows.

It doesn't really matter to me though, the new stuff + the impedance data capture will be nuts!!!
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