Can the Pedal Jack send an output signal to turn on a distortion pedal?


I have a Bogner Ecstasy Blue Pedal that I use on occasion with the Axe and it has a remote jack that allows a momentary switch trigger to either turn it on or engage its boost function. I have a TRS cable running from the Pedal Jack to the remote jack on the pedal and was wondering if there was a way in Axe-Edit to configure a block to send it a momentary signal to turn the pedal on when I enable the Axe Edit block and turn the pedal off when I bypass the Axe-Edit Block. Thanks for the help.
It's only on for a few presets, otherwise it is bypassed. It is not in the FX loop, it is running before the axe input
I'm not sure I understand Luke, I thought FX Loop only affected output 1 or 2 can you elaborate further how this would be connected and also do you mean to always leave the pedal enabled and just turn the block on and off? I am really looking for a way to not have the pedal enabled all the time and just turn it on and off per patch
The Pedal jacks on the back of the Axe II are input's not outputs. It's only receives a control voltage from an expression pedal or switch and cannot control other gear. As Luke stated, use the FX loop blocks and input and output 2 on the Axe.
Leave it on and in the loop, place the FXL as the first item in patches that need the pedal.
Thanks for the info mr_fender and Luke. So Luke what you are saying is that this pedal should be connected to Input 2 (FX Return) L/Mono. Right now the connection is Guitar -> Pedal -> Instrument Input on front panel, Is this not the way the pedal should be run?
Guitar>Axe FX front input

Output 2>pedal input>pedal output>Input 2
Don't forget, rear inputs and outputs on the Axe are line level, so you will probably have to adjust the input and output levels in the I/O menu. Most stompboxes are designed for instrument level. You will probably have to lower the "boost/pad" setting for output 2 to keep from overloading the pedal's input. Then if the pedal's output knob doesn't give you enough level, raise the input 2 level to compensate and get back to unity gain compared to the bypassed FX Loop block level.
Got it, thanks guys. Is there any harm in running this pedal to the instrument input? I am not clipping input at all it is still within normal range. Also are there any outputs on the Axe, including Midi, that might be able to send a message to it's remote jack. possibly via MIDI CC if I can convert it to 1/4"?
No harm at all. Front panel input is instrument level and is designed specifically for guitars and basses. You would need an external MIDI controlled switcher to use the switching jack on the pedal. Those devices have switching relays that can be controlled via MIDI commands. I don't believe the Axe has the ability to send discrete MIDI commands on its own, but if you have a MIDI footcontroller, you should be able to configure it to send the needed CC message. For just one pedal, it's far easier to use the FX Loop block and just leave the pedal on all the time. Then you simply bypass the FX Loop block in the preset when you don't need the pedal. The Axe will do the I/O switching for you then.
Have you tried the "Euro Blue" amp models in the Axe? They're based on the Bogner Ecstacy Blue channel just like the pedal.
Great info thanks again. yes I have tried the amp model, both as an amp on its own and also as a 2nd amp block before another amp to act as a drive block so to speak and have found it just isn't wasn't the same as the pedal. Thanks again
Yeah getting a good drive block sound out of the Axe is tough. They sound decent in front of a clean amp, but in front of a dirty amp they have an odd response and feel unless the drive block gain is set very low like a clean boost. Drives are one of the weakest parts of the Axe IMHO.
Personally I always put my real drives in the front input. The front input has soft limiter so you do not need to worry about digital clipping near as much, and it has a lower perceived noise floor. Also, when using fuzz pedals, the tend to like an unbuffered signal into the pedal. Putting a fuzz (or a pedal that does not like a buffered signal) into the Axe-fx loop can be sub-optimal.

I use an unbuffered MIDI controlled audio switcher so I can get those type of effects going to the front input. It also lets me switch easily from wired to wireless on the guitar.
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