Can MFC101 send midi note messages to ableton?


I would like to use Ableton Live for looping due to the Axe's looping limitations (16seconds).

I want IA switches 1 to control the looping function in Ableton Live.

In 12.4.10 of the manual it shows how to send custom midi messages. But I dont know the message to send so that Ableton can then accept it.

Can anyone tell me what the message I need to send???

S01 ON 1 -- -- -- --

Please help me out fine people as this is gonna kick ass when I get it sorted.


Thanks peeps.
Re: Sending Ableton Live cc messages coresponding to middle

I don't have a MFC, but I can tell you that MIDI CC (continous controller) and MIDI note information ('middle C' for exsample) are two different kinds of information.

Maybe you could use a MIDI utility like MIDI-Ox to translate your sent CC messages to MIDI note information.
Won't be easy, tho.
Re: Sending Ableton Live cc messages coresponding to middle

Thank you Don... I apreciate the response.

You are totally right. I meant midi note information. :)

For MFC-101 owners... Is there way to send midi note information from the MFC-101?

If so how???
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