Cab IR impulses sound different when going through the axefx vs just running on comp

Has anyone else experienced this? I have some IR impulses that I love (the catharsis set) however when I convert them to 48khz from 44.1 and make them into sysx to put on the axe fx....they sound not so subtly different than when I just run them with a cab emulator on the computer. (le cab, or ke fir, or boogex)

I do not use any extra setting on the cab emulator in the computer.

On the axe-fx, the sound sounds are much more "digital" sounding and less "smooth". I am trying to recreate my signal chain on my axe fx that I use for direct recording on my comp namely IR cab emulator -> high pass -> low pass filter. When I do this on my ultra it sounds like I just described.

Has anyone else experienced this? I have used 3 different programs to do the sample rate converstion (audacity, cubase, and wavosaur) all with the same results.

If anyone knows how to get the cab impulses sounding the same as on the comp, please let me know.
I haven't noticed this personally and I do that all the time. I have my own SRC program I wrote but I don't give that out. Try using R8Brain to convert the sample rates.
Lots of "cab" IRs contain room cues, and you will hear those cues when you use them in a DAW plugin. The Axe-Fx cab sims are only 1024-points (21.3 milliseconds), which is more than long enough to capture the sound of a cab but will not contain anything resembling "reverb."
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Perhaps the OP has a combination of things happening - bad conversion (ala what Cliff is mentioning as a possibility) and perhaps as Jay mentions, the IR's are truncated and therefore sound different in the Axe-FX.
Thanks for the tip, ill try the r8 brain and check the sample length, I believe they are super short, but that description does not tell how many milliseconds :)
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