Buzzy Sound on Distortion after 3.2

Jerry K.

I just updated to 3.2. Everything seemed to go perfect, I also loaded in the new bank A and USB driver. The fenders sound stunning! Exactly what I was hoping for, nice and round and very clean on a few of them.

My distortions all seem to have an "buzzy" sound to them. Like an internal distortion and it is on almost all of the mild to heavy drive patches. I would try to adjust volumes but it is on all of the drive patches in all banks?

Any thoughts?

I was experiencing the same exact thing last night. After some help talking to the guys on the forums, my Fenders and cleans are sounding awesome. But on the crunch and high gain stuff I am hearing a buzz or fizz that I don't remember hearing, and that I don't really hear in clips that are posted. I have tried different guitars and different guitar cables, along with adjusting I/O levels but nothing seemed to make it go away. It seems to happen on everything from the plexi's to the mesa's so it is not amp specific. I did do a reset of the system parameters and it seemed to help some, but the problem remains.
Did you guys reload the v3 preset banks too? I just don't get why so many are having so much trouble with v3.0x! For me, the improvements are just awesome.
Mine was total user error! Yesterday I was experimenting with running into the front of my Twin and had the global Cab and Power Amp sims turned off. A stupid mistake but I did find that Presets 3 and 4 sound incredible this way for Jazz type stuff. I know how to disable the cab but how do I turn the power off within a single patch?

Sometimes stupid mistakes work out!
Funny. I had a similar experience except all my sounds became buzzy and farty. It turned out the 9V battery in my Parker Fly guitar died right after I did the 3.02 update.
Not buzzy but definitely some low volume "snap,crackle and pop" on my distortion presets-in the right channel only.
Funny. I had a similar experience except all my sounds became buzzy and farty. It turned out the 9V battery in my Parker Fly guitar died right after I did the 3.02 update.
Yeah, I've got a Fly too--been there, done that. "This was sounding awesome, why is distorting all of a sudden? Oh, my battery light is on." Now I just check every time I plug the guitar in.
First time poster here. Goy my II yesterday and I am getting a similar buzzing out of the hi gain patches running into krk powered Rokits. Ok - maybe buzz isnt the right word! Let's say it's "flinty?". At first I thought it was my maniacal Corncob patch tweaking - then I noticed it on all the gain oriented presets. Thoughts?
Hey guys - just thought I would chime in on this one as I just had a total epiphany on it while working on trying to mix guitar and bass together. I realized that a lot of my earlier Axe-II settings were, for better or worse, heavy in all of my high frequencies. As soon as I re-configured my mids, highs, and presence to a more sane level, I was a lot happier with how my guitars sat in the mix. As soon as I brought down the highs, I stopped getting that crazy "tinky" sound that you are experiencing.
I'm guessing that you have drive settings too high, master volumes too low and other such issues if you getting buzzy high gain tones.

Start from scratch, forget all the conventions you followed before 3.0. Time to relearn the box, it is all different with completely new modeling underneath.

**Check your power tube hardness (I lower mine to at least 4.1) and Triode hardness (I lower mine to 2.5 to start). Also lower your "Transformer Match" slightly if the amp saturates too quickly.**
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