Buzz Feiten Tuning System


New Member
I'm not sure if it's possible to license the Buzz Feiten tuning offsets or not but that would be really useful, at least for me. I'm thinking of an option to select the tuning offsets within the tuner interface somehow. I have a workaround right now (by ear) but the offsets would certainly be more accurate and save some time.


The Axe tuner allows you to enter the tuning offsets of your choice. This allows you to tweak it to whatever you wish, including the Buzz Feiten offsets. I use it all the time for my Tom Anderson guitar which has a Buzz Feiten system. So your wish is already granted.
I have to admit that I am more impressed with this machine every single day. I've had it about a month now and it hasn't stopped impressing me yet. I honestly don't think there's a single useful tone I cannot achieve with this. I didn't even think to look in the manual or even the extra pages of the tuner because I didn't for a second think that this functionality would be included out of the box. I just assumed it wouldn't be there. I'm gonna post some more comments in the review section because this just bent my mind. Thanks, folks.
Bumping this thread with some questions regarding the setup of a BFTS guitar. When I program the offsets for the 12th fret to set intonation, I notice when I hit the 12th fret note, it jumps to a couple strings below it, ie, I'm setting intonation on the 6th string, and then I fret at 12, and the tuner says E 4 instead of 6. I'm assuming these are string numbers. Anyways, is this normal? I've never had a Peterson tuner so I don't know if the offsets work that way on those tuners. It would seem that you wouldn't need to program 12th fret offsets for the low E and A strings if this were the case.

So, basically am I screwed and have to buy a Peterson tuner to do the intonation, or program the 12th fret offset for the string I'm going into the position that the Axe detects that note as?

EDIT: Just noticed this thread was in the Wish List section. I guess if there's a wish, it would be the ability to program multiple offsets for BFTS setup, since reprogramming it every time to check between open and 12th fret is a pain in the ass :lol:
While the Buzz Feiten "system" has its merits, I've found the following product (compensated nuts) to be a better solution for me:

My tuning and intonation problems are solved, without the need for micro offsets that aren't practical, special tuners, or permanent modification of the guitar. In my experience with the Feiten system, the repositioning of the nut closer to the first fret solves most of the problem. The rest of the system is just icing IMOHO. I could never achieve stable tuning accuracy within 1 or 2 cents (required for the Feiten system), even with a fixed bridge and locking tuners. Perhaps the rest of you will have better luck, but for me, the notion of 1 cent here and 2 cents there is practically unachievable.

I highly recommend the Earvana nuts for those of you who don't want to hack into the fingerboard of an existing guitar.
That would be well and good except for those of us with Floyd's on our guitars, and when it comes installed from the factory as standard :lol:
If the Feiten system is factory installed, then you are already doing well even if you intonate and tune "normally". In such a case, I'd certainly go ahead and follow the intonation and tuning guidelines even though I can't achieve 1 cent accuracy.

Earvana will soon release a Floyd-style locking nut. My guitars use a Floyd. I ordered them without the lock nut and use locking tuners. I then replaced the nut with this product. If you already have a locking nut installed, I guess you won't have this as an option until they release it. I'd still use the non-locking version with locking tuners though. I don't like locking nuts. I sometimes like to bend notes by pulling on the strings between the nut and the tuners.

Either method is a huge improvement. My respects to Buzzy for bringing more attention to the problem.
Yeah, would still like to know about my issue though, whether I should program the 12th fret offsets into the string 2 higher from the one I'm intonating though. Also more than one set of offsets would be sweet for those of us with the BFTS who want to use it.
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