Breaktrhough with Recto and a question


So, I've been working and working on getting a Recto 1 Red Mdrn patch that I'm completely happy with. I was perusing the internet a couple days ago, checking out some recommended settings for the actual amp, when I came across a run of people all saying that they disable the presence control. So... I disabled presence (negative feedback to 0.00) on my patch and I really liked the result.

This changes the presence control on the main amp page to a high cut, obviously, but I was wondering why it seems like the high cut is off at 5 and turning the knob to either side seems to enable the high cut, but in ways that sound different from each other. I haven't seen any info on this anywhere. Anyone?
Ah. So it's not just a high cut? Interesting. Ok.

And, funny enough, I was just going over that page last week. I thought I remembered it referring to it as a high cut.
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