Bogner XTC 20th real VS Axe fx Model

Yes I think it could be tweaked to have a similar tone.
But I'm agree that's easier on the real amp to have that dynamic and that crunchier mids.
I think that the only differences are when I play with my guitar volume.
The amp seems to be thinner than the Axe fx.

I'm splitting hairs really, your tone is awesome both through the amp and the AxeFX and they sound very very close.
I have to say that this has been hugely rewarding Tonic :encouragement:

There have been a lot of good tones posted, but the results vary wildly when downloading and trying through one's own kit... so I haven't done that here either, but I did dial up the Euro Red Modern, plugged in the new Epi Lezzer I received yesterday and it was absolutely fantastic :)

The Euro is not an amp I've spent any time with really, but I loved the sound of your clip and that really gave me a real taste of the varying feels that can be found.

Not only is it great fun, it makes what is a decidedly average guitar sound and feel pretty damned good!

Thanks again!
I have to say that this has been hugely rewarding Tonic :encouragement:

There have been a lot of good tones posted, but the results vary wildly when downloading and trying through one's own kit... so I haven't done that here either, but I did dial up the Euro Red Modern, plugged in the new Epi Lezzer I received yesterday and it was absolutely fantastic :)

The Euro is not an amp I've spent any time with really, but I loved the sound of your clip and that really gave me a real taste of the varying feels that can be found.

Not only is it great fun, it makes what is a decidedly average guitar sound and feel pretty damned good!

Thanks again!

Thanks :)
I think that this forum is a great place for sharing and the Axe FX is unlimited.
So many good tones, and different that's really interesting to share our feelings!

Have fun :)
I'm still utterly captivated by the patch I built as a result of your tones Tonic, but I'm also gonna check out your preset to see how things compare :encouragement:
Well, I just invested in the Mad OAK Producer Cabs and it sounds absolut fantastic with the combination of Yours (Basketwave AX 12 and TV 121) I can't stop eciting.......what a fat, warm and nasty tone.......:p
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