blues on the axe

Nice tone, got quite a lot of the Gary Moore vibe including the 'messy' rakes before a bent note that is a signature part of his technique.

Singer was pretty good as well.
Ok, you guys already noticed my first post on the german side of this forum.
I posted it on recordings a few days later, but didn,t see it was already here.
As I wrote, I kept it very simple.
Though I,m not totally satisfied with it, this is how I sound, nothing less, nothing more.
The best thing here, is the fact, you hear the pure amp sound and it's hard to tell the difference to a tube amp.
It was all recorded direkt to the laptop you see standing on my rack.
A mix of direct from FOH and room mic's beside the stage.
The dynamics, the tone and the feel was there.
I've gonne away from the FR to a real cab, to monitor me on stage. It's still more of an amp feel.

Thank you guys for the comments.
After 18 month with the axe and this forum, I've been very happy with this piece of gear.
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