Better than friedman and 5150 on axefx?


If you did mean 5-band eq settings for Axes Mesa Boogie Mark series amps ,I must say its still very hard to adjust because Axes sliders have too much space. I did need to tone matching real amp to get those 5-band settings to set right position ,there was huge different when I was tone matching those settings. Compare to 6 months try to find same settings whit ears ,whit those Axes Mark series sliders. Whit that tone matching real amp I was notice ,tone was exactly like i was have whit original Mark IV amp and 5-band eq settings was dead on.

I like the iic+ too but the post eq really frustrates me. Can you please share your settings and the cab you use?

Yeah same here , i was use before Axe Mesa Boogie studio preamp ,Mesa Boogie Mark III and Mesa Boogie Mark IV. And it was take me 30 second to adjust that 5-band eq ,and it was sound always like it should. But good thing is that tone matching feature that did job for me ,i can get now always those Axes 5-band settings right.

I noticed that too. I had the mark v head and it's hard to tweak the sliders on the axe.
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Okey now i understand thanks for reply mate. Yeah i was mean only for those Axes Mesa Boogie Mark series amps 5-band eq ,that is extreme hard to adjust. All treble bass mids precense etc.. are easy to adjust right ,but unfortunately Mesa Boogie Mark series amps soul is 5-band eq. But like i was say early ,tone matching did do job for that 5-band eq.

I mean on regular amps it will take you 30 secs to dial in a good tone than on axe with all this knobs that you don't even know if you need to touch it.
I flip around between several high gain amps. I like the Recto's and 5153 of course like everyone. I also like FAS Modern, JVM OD 1 or 2, Brit Pre, Fryette D60, JCM800, Angel Severe, Nitrous, HBE, and Corncob. I am sure there are more, but those come to mind.

I find most of them work with a Drive and/or a parametric EQ.
I run through a regular guitar cab. My "secret" for building my tones comes from swapping out the power amp stacks and seeing what I can come up with. There are some incredible NEW sounds that can be had just by mixing all sorts of amps that were never meant to be mixed. Some of the coolest sounds IMO come from making things that go against the "rules" of how they are supposed to work in real life.
the ENGL amp model is fantastic. Just keep the Presence around 4 or below and I think its the best High Gain amp sound in the AxeFx....IMO.

It's def been winning me over lately. Did you mean the Savage or P-ball model? Doesn't get meaner in the axe than the Savage IMO.

If you did mean 5-band eq settings for Axes Mesa Boogie Mark series amps ,I must say its still very hard to adjust because Axes sliders have too much space. I did need to tone matching real amp to get those 5-band settings to set right position ,there was huge different when I was tone matching those settings. Compare to 6 months try to find same settings whit ears ,whit those Axes Mark series sliders. Whit that tone matching real amp I was notice ,tone was exactly like i was have whit original Mark IV amp and 5-band eq settings was dead on.
Hi, yes i meant the five band eq. And what do you mean with too much space? Do you mean that it has more influence on the tone than the real thing when set to the minimum or maximum settings? So should we avoid extreme settings?
This was my tone in my podhd500x using a bogner ubershall and i can't get it in my axe. Not that i missed the tone but there's just some tone that you can only get in other boxes.
I noticed a lot of people been using friedman or 5150 as their main tone ( for rock/metal ). I use 5150 blue myself as i can't get that tone i want from other amps. Suggestions?

Just started messing with 5150 Blue since checking this thread. Like it alot now. FW 15. And Cliff's recent declaration that the basic knobs on the amp models act like the real amp. While obvious, it was an "AH HA moment", kind of hit me what "real" means and it fixed my thinking. Now I seem to have more control of what tones I'm after.

I did not get work whit variable mode either ,there is too much space between raise and low adjust for that 5-band eq. But tone matching was pick up those settings for me ,and i was very happy for that.

Maybe was a difference between Constant and variable type of GEQ ?

It's worth a try ...
My favorite is the double verb Fender Twin Reverb. Since I have one it is really sweet sounding when it is pushed to the limit. Though I guess when it comes down to it it all depends on personal preference.
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