Better than friedman and 5150 on axefx?

Every Higain amp is really Amazing on the AxeFx ...

I mean it's always a matter of amp + cab ir matching ( or mismatching if you want )

The only thing really different IMO is how the black box reacts to different input a.k.a. Guitars / wood / PUs

I always have to tweak different presets with same amp for different guitars ...
No matters watch I dial I feel the Axe reacts stronger than real amps ( now I have a triple recto ) to different guitars

But when You got it , then is tonal heaven as usual

I use a lot of higain amps in my studio and all are really inspiring .

Btw I'm right now in love with the Slawn Nitrous , you can achieve great rock to metal sounds with and without a drive in front .
And most important , as was stated before , is really easy to tweak !!
The Splawn's are all Glorious!!

And they dial in super easy, not a whole lot of tweaking involved.

I have my (other) favorites, but I agree that the Splawn models, esp. the Quick-Rods, are exceptionally easy to dial in. Everything at 5, and just switch between the 1st/2nd/3rd models. Done.

The bass overload in the Nitrous model is easily remedied by using the Cut switch.

Only thing is that the Splawn models do not really have a character / identity of their own, IMHO.
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Mmmmm, next Firmware! I'm so happy with 15.02 can't imagine it getting better. (Maybe some of the FX)

Made a short text note of all these Amps to check out again;

Friedman HBE for Highgain sounds, turn on the "Cut"-Switch
5150 Blue
JCM800, Jcm800mod
Jvm OD 1 or 2, green or orange
Rectifier orange, Recto 2
Bogner Ubershall, Das Metall, Angel Severe
Splawn Nitrous, Quick-Rods
boosted vh4 ch3, Herbie 3, Herbie ch2+, Triptik Modern, SLO
FAS modern
Brit Pre, Fryette D60
Double verb, Fender Twin Reverb
PVH 6160
Euro. Shiver.
Mesa Amps are across the board stellar for Heavy on the AF2... The FAS amps seem to get a lot of love, although I haven't explored them much, except for the Brown.

For modded Marshall, I like the Atomica, Brit Brown, FAS Brown for a change of pace from the always straight up amazing HBE which everybody does indeed seem to use. The Cameron was a lot of work from a tweaking standpoint for me, though, but I think I have it wired pretty well now. I had to go with the character params to get it to my liking as well using significantly more input trim than I would have expected. I wish Cliff would give the Atomica and CCV a spot check for accuracy; I freaking love the IRL Cameron tones.

I need to knock around that Cornford and the Splawns, too. I'll bet there's some sex there. And then there's the Soldano.

Man, maybe I should suggest my wife take the kids to visit their grand parents for a day or two.
I mean on regular amps it will take you 30 secs to dial in a good tone than on axe with all this knobs that you don't even know if you need to touch it.
You don't "need" to touch these knobs. Think of these deeper controls as a bunch of free trips/servicings and mods from your local amp tech. The deeper settings can easily do things that we normally refer to as "Mods". Things that guys pay well over $100-$300 a pop to have your local tech do to your amp. If you don't know what it is, or what it does, if you don't understand the reason to do it, then it is like opening up your amp and working on the internals with no understanding. You will likely mess it up. Instead, look into the WIKI, educate yourself before you work on the inner workings of your amp. Luckily, you won't die messing around with an AXE-FX like you can messing around with your tube head. (Ooops... forgot to discharge a big capacitor) On the other hand, if you have an hour or two to burn one day. Back up your presets, and tweak away to your heart's content. Try that with a tube amp which can only allow you a couple knobs, or it's a trip to the tech, or serious DIY self education (dangerous territory for most common players).
The beauty of your box. It is available if you chose to dive in deeper. NOT REQUIRED AT ALL - BUT TOTALLY AVAILABLE.
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Been tweaking alot lately really on these unknown knobs on the axe. It kinda helps really because even without knowing what it is, the diff on what you hear everytime you tweak helps you know more on what it does.
Been tweaking alot lately really on these unknown knobs on the axe. It kinda helps really because even without knowing what it is, the diff on what you hear everytime you tweak helps you know more on what it does.
The wiki and manual have a lot of great info on an amp by amp basis for some of this stuff. There are some cases where even the traditional B/M/T/P is a superset of the controls on some of those simple vintage amps. In those cases it is really helpful to know how things are mapped. Alternatively, there are a few amps where specific switches on the amp faceplate are mapped to or are equivalent to a differently named AF setting or value. If you really want to deep dive a specific amp, its worth looking up the wiki entry on it.
It would be great for guys to put up their favorite cabs (especially stock) with their fav. high gainers, or just heck post the patches! I have to say the Diezels (vh4 and herbie) I loved them prior to recent changes esp. sat. switch now ruins them; They used to rrrrrrrreally roar, shred and be super high gain, something def. was lost. I know they are likely more realistic now, but I loved em when they first came out. The other one I used to love and still want to tame is the bogner uber (euro) this amp is just crazy eq in default, super low end mid sucked out, and needs just the right cabs.
Bogner RED/BLUE, CAE, Cameron models... Recto and Mark too.

These are the one i find easiest to get where I (me) want, but any amp in there sounds great imho.

Just a matter of the sound in your head and preferences IMHO...
Bogner RED/BLUE, CAE, Cameron models... Recto and Mark too.

These are the one i find easiest to get where I (me) want, but any amp in there sounds great imho.

Just a matter of the sound in your head and preferences IMHO...

When I read your posts Kriig , the only think that still in my head is your Avatars !

Yeah same here , i was use before Axe Mesa Boogie studio preamp ,Mesa Boogie Mark III and Mesa Boogie Mark IV. And it was take me 30 second to adjust that 5-band eq ,and it was sound always like it should. But good thing is that tone matching feature that did job for me ,i can get now always those Axes 5-band settings right.

Can you please share your preset.. Thanks
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