Better 3+SE sims

Do you want 2 additional, more authentic 3+SE amp sims?

  • Yes, more amp sims can never hurt!

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Fractal Fanatic
I'm very happy that Cliff added the 3+SE sims, unfortunately, they don't sound very close to the real deal ( although good in their own ). Even the man who designed the preamp doesn't think so:

Suhr said:
I'm sorry.... It does not nail the 3+ and I have no affiliation with the 3+ anymore. They are really pretty different sounding.

Also, the preamp was designed around a Marshall power section, and the Boogie 290 that the preamp sim in the Axe uses, doesn't sound anything like a Marshall IMHO. So I'm basically suggesting a more real 3+SE. I don't think we need to remove the old ones, but rather just add new, so that people who rely heavily on the current 3+SE sim don't have to suffer. :)
Personally I'd rather have the SEPlus ( Amp ) and the especially PT-100 ... :!:

I've always wondered if "part" of the issue is Cliff modeled in a 6L6 Power section ( which is what most people used ), but John has said many times he designed the pre-amp around a "beefed up" JCM-800 power section.

I've been quietly lobbying for the ability to switch between them in the Power-Amp section of the sim.

And I think all of the pre-amp models in the Axe- would benefit from that as well !
More authenticity is always a good thing imho when it comes to modeled amps. Especially in this case, didn't Suhr offer his help to Cliff at some point ?

Another model that comes to mind is the XTC which IIRC was supposed to be updated a long time ago (there was a huge topic about it at one point)...
VegaBaby said:
More authenticity is always a good thing imho when it comes to modeled amps. Especially in this case, didn't Suhr offer his help to Cliff at some point ?

Another model that comes to mind is the XTC which IIRC was supposed to be updated a long time ago (there was a huge topic about it at one point)...[/quote

Yes, he did.

Yes, it was supposed to :D
javajunkie said:
VegaBaby said:
More authenticity is always a good thing imho when it comes to modeled amps. Especially in this case, didn't Suhr offer his help to Cliff at some point ?

Another model that comes to mind is the XTC which IIRC was supposed to be updated a long time ago (there was a huge topic about it at one point)...

Yes, he did.

Yes, it was supposed to :D
Didn't you send him yours ? D'you know if it's still on Cliff's agenda or was it ditched ?

He said he found one locally. I don't know if it is still on the agenda. The offer is still good though.
I could have sworn I read that Suhr and Bradshaw ran the 3+ through a ton of different power sections and the one that seemed to sound the best was the Mesa 2:90.
RobertH said:
I could have sworn I read that Suhr and Bradshaw ran the 3+ through a ton of different power sections and the one that seemed to sound the best was the Mesa 2:90.

Evidently not, because J.S. just posted this over @ HRI on Fri Jun 26th.

I designed the preamp into a Marshall JCM800 that I install an effects loop and beefed up the power section, this can also be heard on EVH "Dream is over" all those rhythm tracks are this setup.

I would also guess, the "dream is over" would be a good clip example too :D
Could you post a link to the "dream is over" soundfile? Don't know why, but i somehow can't find it... You're not talking about the original Van Halen tune from the F.U.C.K Album, thought Eddie was using a 5150 on this one?
Joker said:
Could you post a link to the "dream is over" soundfile? Don't know why, but i somehow can't find it... You're not talking about the original Van Halen tune from the F.U.C.K Album, thought Eddie was using a 5150 on this one?

Yup that's the one ! Keep in mind that Eddie was ( is ) the KING of mis-information as to what gear he actually used ....
I was just going off of memory (not too bad for a 3yo thread topic) :roll:

Here's the quote:

Nothing Wrong with the V H T at all, solid made power amp
Back in the day when he was getting 100W out of two tubes the ones that Bradshaw sold were popping a little too much but I think he has sorted that all out.
VHT sounds great with the 3+ but it is not a Marshall style design.

I did design the 3+ using a Marshall power section so it is only right that to me that is when it sounds correct.
After trying all the power amps in a stereo amp switcher, same cabinets the 2:90 was the closest to the Marshalls.
The Marshalls being totally independent had a wider image field than any of the common power supply power amps.
The 2:100 might be great as well but I wonder what the difference is
You don't need any of the boosts bass boost depth stuff with the 3+ IMO

We found with a relay power amp switcher, preamp into the same two cabinets that the two separate Marshalls modified with loops where the best tone.
second best was the Boogie 2:90 at least for the 3+. I was really surprised the Marshall Power amp was about 4th down the list.
Surprising was a Peavey Power amp that sounded good but wasn't made too well. (end quote)

So, it was designed/voiced using separate Marshall power sections, but for stand alone stereo power amps the 2:90 was closest to the Marshalls.
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