Behringer X32Rack or something else?

Looks like we'll go Yamaha. We're splitting it three ways so I'm taking brand opinions of others in to account here.

So follow-up question: suggestions on the router to buy to use with this, live?

Can I go super compact TP-Link like this:
Since, if the router goes down, you're kinda screwed, I suggest something more robust like this: I have used several of those, both personally, and for installations and had great results even in challenging environments...

Oh never mind, I see that you went with something else...Sorry I did not read through all the other posts. Enjoy the new setup!!!
Since, if the router goes down, you're kinda screwed, I suggest something more robust like this: I have used several of those, both personally, and for installations and had great results even in challenging environments...

Oh never mind, I see that you went with something else...Sorry I did not read through all the other posts. Enjoy the new setup!!!
Oh yea, I went with a proper router. That travel one was a moment of poor judgement. :D
So first gig Saturday night with the Yamaha. We hadn't had a chance to set it up with the full band before the show so we were kind of winging it a bit. Drummer labeled channels and did some minimal prep so we at least knew what we were plugging in to each input and output. Ran about 10 inputs and then 2 mains and 4 monitor mixes.

Holy freakin' cow!

We showed up 1.5 hours early so we'd have time to set it up and dial things in. Honestly, it took longer to run all the friggin' cables than it did to get an initial mix set up. It is so freaking nice to be able to FOH with an iPad and my guitar and set the rough mix up and be able to play as well (I had my wireless on the guitar).

Having 3 monitors across the front of the stage and one behind the drummer meant we could fine tune our monitor mixes. We weren't "silent stage" but I did my best to convince everyone to turn down. The drummer, of course, being the wild card here. And the bass player -- who wasn't running into the PA at all.

I turned the singers 2x12 Friedman FRFR completely off at the back of the stage. That thing is a beast even at 1 on the output dial. Right there, that ended a ton of the "volume war" problems we've had.

I did keep my Xitone behind me but it was barely on. Basically there to give a little me behind me next to our other guitar player's ODS-100 setup. He did run it in 50W mode and kept it low as he could on stage with a mic dangling off the cab and into the mixer.

The MM app did a great job giving everyone mix control.

We had a friend of the drummer run the "board" from FOH for the first set but honestly I think he just say there and drank for free. He was barely standing come set break. :D

Feedback from people in the crowd was it was all super clear without being deafeningly loud. Which is all I ever want to achieve.

Question for those running rack mount digital mixers like the Yamaha: do you use a stage snake or a TRS panel on your racks to bring all the connections around to the front of the unit?

I was going to buy a snake. We have enough cables to reach from the rack to the spots on the stage though. So then I started thinking about building a 2U panel with the inputs and outputs on it -- much pricier.
TF Rack? Solid mixer. I run everything to the back so it looks better from the front.

Also consider a 2nd iPad that you hardwire Ethernet to the router that stays on the rack case or something. Then you have mixer controls in one spot everyone can use that won’t lose wireless connection. Or even just your main iPad so it’s not on your mic stand once your setup is pretty much finalized.

That said the front panel touch screen is pretty usable for quick adjustments. Preamps are much better than the x32, though I didn’t have problems with x32 when I use it if you’re not comparing.

Currently using the cq18 as it fits in my cables bag.
I guess the x32R still is good value for the price, but I can't get over it that in Europe the price has doubled since 2021. It used to be around 750 € for years, sometimes less, sometimes more. Now it's stable at 1400 € and I don't get it.

Still biting my butt that I didn't buy one early 2020, but my band's future was uncertain (even without covid), so I decided against it.

Anyone from Europe would like to make an educated guess on the reason?
Yes, electronic parts and ICs got expensive and then overall inflation struck, but the X32 price increase is far beyond anything else I've noticed.
I guess the x32R still is good value for the price, but I can't get over it that in Europe the price has doubled since 2021. It used to be around 750 € for years, sometimes less, sometimes more. Now it's stable at 1400 € and I don't get it.

Still biting my butt that I didn't buy one early 2020, but my band's future was uncertain (even without covid), so I decided against it.

Anyone from Europe would like to make an educated guess on the reason?
Yes, electronic parts and ICs got expensive and then overall inflation struck, but the X32 price increase is far beyond anything else I've noticed.
x32r was around $1100 a few years after release. jumped up to $1600.

touchmix16 also did this. got mine around $1100 shortly after launch, now it's $1600 as well.

other companies prices had a slight increase but nothing as big as these.
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