Before I buy an Axe FX...I have a routing question!!

Thank you! That's what I was hoping to hear. I'm sure many people can relate. The Helix was a big purchase at first, but the more I used it, and the more utility I got from it, the more value it gave me and I quickly forgot about the purchase price. Since I have zero experience with any generation of Fractal products I feel like I'm going in blind. So, bare with me as I get to know the unit... I may have a lot of growing pains.
I will second it's the most value in a processor. I would also say that I haven't made a better purchase in my life. Trust me you're gonna love it, if you were able to get even usable tones out of the Helix, then this will be heaven. I personally couldn't get my Helix to sound half decent, but the Axe FX it took less than week. Now with the latest updates and updates.... and updates, its actually incredible how amazing it sounds with just an amp and an IR. Welcome to the club, you'll be here for life!
Thank you all for the hearty welcome!!!!! Somehow I missed the notifications on a batch of new replies since last evening.
I just got the tracking number this morning so I'm super excited...and even more so after reading through all of your comments!!!!

Welcome to the family. We'll be here when you have questions. Of course make sure to use the search function first but regardless, it's a fun bunch around here.
I am also late for the party! But I don't think you are going to regret it. Just be aware that the Axe FX has great power. But with power ... And so on...

What I love about the unit is that it can suit extremely different settings and ways to be used. I use my unit almost every day.

During the past 3 years I've had ups and downs with tweaking sounds. But, the time I've spent getting to know the gear has made all the difference for me. It's funn to play, and I get the sounds that I want. What I find the most impressive about the Axe FX is the fact that i bouth (hahaha EDIT: bought) a smashing unit. And it keeps getting better!
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I am also late for the party! But I don't think you are going to regret it. Just be aware that the Axe FX has great power. But with power ... And so on...

What I love about the unit is that it can suit extremely different settings and ways to be used. I use my unit almost every day.

During the past 3 years I've had ups and downs with tweaking sounds. But, the time I've spent getting to know the gear has made all the difference for me. It's funn to play, and I get the sounds that I want. What I find the most impressive about the Axe FX is the fact that i bouth (hahaha EDIT: bought) a smashing unit. And it keeps getting better!
Dang but I’m just as excited as when mine was making its journey to Australia. My dad used to always chip in to buy me guitar gear, and when he passed I used some money he left to buy the AxeFX. I know it’s what he would have wanted - not bills! So the arrival of that box will always be a special time for me!

I’ll admit it took me some time to sound good, I had very little experience with modellers so I struggled for a while. But these days, 20 firmware updates later, it is much more plug and play. The unsolicited advice I will give is: this thing is HUGE. Seriously. Take your time. Don’t feel pressured to use every feature, and don’t feel ‘guilty’ if you settle on one amp and cab. Plenty of us use it like that. I only use one preset, with 2-3 amps and a few effects, because that’s all I need.
have ended up feeling slightly crushed by the responsibility of reproducing, or using alternatively, the endless possibilities in a positive light. That's more to do with me than the Axe FX.

Nah don’t feel like that. It’s a superman cape for sure, but you don’t have to save the world with it 😀 The possibilities may be endless, but Cliff won’t come to your home and yell at you for not using ALL the amps and ALL the effects. I went through that “rich guilt” phase, and now I’m perfectly content with one preset and a few favourite amps. (The journey finding them was long and educational but that’s another story!)
Nah don’t feel like that. It’s a superman cape for sure, but you don’t have to save the world with it 😀
100%. Most of the time on my Axe I play either the 5150 Block (idunno, $2000 or so?), the Friedman HBE ($3,999), or the Mark IIC++ / Mark IV ($3200).
That's almost $10k worth of amps, just for my main sounds. I could never touch any other models and still feel like I got my money's worth.
The unsolicited advice I will give is: this thing is HUGE. Seriously. Take your time. Don’t feel pressured to use every feature, and don’t feel ‘guilty’ if you settle on one amp and cab. Plenty of us use it like that. I only use one preset, with 2-3 amps and a few effects, because that’s all I need.
This is a great advice. I agree. The unit is huge! +1
Dang but I’m just as excited as when mine was making its journey to Australia. My dad used to always chip in to buy me guitar gear, and when he passed I used some money he left to buy the AxeFX. I know it’s what he would have wanted - not bills! So the arrival of that box will always be a special time for me!

I’ll admit it took me some time to sound good, I had very little experience with modellers so I struggled for a while. But these days, 20 firmware updates later, it is much more plug and play. The unsolicited advice I will give is: this thing is HUGE. Seriously. Take your time. Don’t feel pressured to use every feature, and don’t feel ‘guilty’ if you settle on one amp and cab. Plenty of us use it like that. I only use one preset, with 2-3 amps and a few effects, because that’s all I need.
That's a great way to look at it. Thanks!

100%. Most of the time on my Axe I play either the 5150 Block (idunno, $2000 or so?), the Friedman HBE ($3,999), or the Mark IIC++ / Mark IV ($3200).
That's almost $10k worth of amps, just for my main sounds. I could never touch any other models and still feel like I got my money's worth
I always thought about it that way too with the Helix. The value packed into these modelers is unbelievable.
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