Because I'm a total geek, that's why!!!


Fractal Fanatic
These are some pics of my excitement upon the arrival of my Axe FX II on 12-07-2011.

Daddy's excited!!!


My little girl Anna Lee...


Can't contain myself!!!


So cute, had to show another pic of my girl...


Was anybody else TOTALLY freaked out by the 5 second delay after turning the power switch on? It was the LOOOOOOONGEST 5 seconds of my life. I thought I had a defective unit...


I'm such a dork. I STILL haven't updated to 6.0 yet. Heck, I'm still on 5.04b. I'll be in the studio on Saturday with 6.0 for sure!!!

Thanx Cliff and Co.!!!
In the second pic of U, You looked like you just dropped the damn thing. Anyways... was looking for gold but did not see what GuitarDojo saw. I see one in it's infancey though. :D
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