Bareknuckle Holy Diver just not cutting it for me.

Is there a wrong cap or resistor in there somewhere? Maybe someone tried to install a treble bleed or something and did it wrong. A 500k pot should be perfect with these humbuckers. You should not have to go any higher.
Is there a wrong cap or resistor in there somewhere? Maybe someone tried to install a treble bleed or something and did it wrong. A 500k pot should be perfect with these humbuckers. You should not have to go any higher.

I agree. I used to have the fixed bridge version of the same guitar and it was actually a very bright guitar with the 500k pots. It was actually too bright for me. Harsh on the high end.
I agree. I used to have the fixed bridge version of the same guitar and it was actually a very bright guitar with the 500k pots. It was actually too bright for me. Harsh on the high end.

Ya. I got rid of the stock humbuckers (they were complete junk) and the guitar is still bright. I'm able to get rid of a lot of that brightness though. I always run low pass filters on my patches. I'll check on the caps. However! I don't know much about guitars. Where would've caps be and what do they look like?
I'm guessing something's wired wrong. You should be able to find wiring diagrams on the net (google it). You don't necessarily need a diagram for that model. You can just look for a generic one with that configuration. Then, open it up and trace all the wires. You'll learn a lot in the process too.
Caps will look like little square or round "caps". Almost like the size of a chicklet piece of gum or even smaller depending on the cap. Just look in google images at the words ".02 capacitor" and 150kohm resistor. That should show a pretty generic picture of what the cap or resistor will look like. If there's any of those in the chain anywhere we can go from there.

Basically is there anything anywhere in the guitar cavity within all the wiring (besides wire)
The Holy Diver is a bit of a strange beast. I've been fighting with it every since I got it. You have to have it close to the strings, these pickups are very light and smooth on the attack, and you really have to dig in. Also I find it really needs a boost, no matter if you are using it with a high gain amp or in the case modeller. It's a very clear sounding pickup, all the strings really ring out in a chord, very thick, but I can't get past this seemingly weird output and pick attack. It's mids are also in a weird place and you can't dial them out. It's a great pickup for recording I think, again very clear, but for live work I think I'm going back to my trusty Super Distortion. I really wanted to like this pickup, it seemed on paper to be exactly what I wanted, but for me it's just not working out either.
I love the idea of BKP pickups and people seem to love them. It's just that every time I've tried them they do the opposite of what I want them to do. In my EBMM JP6 they sounded like something inbetween a single coil and a humbucker (wired correctly) so no low tight low end and no articulate attack either. In my Tele they were simply worse than the stock CS pickups so I sold them right away.

Even if something works for most people and there's hype etc. it's better to still use your own judgement.

IMO there are industry standard pickups like Duncan JBs that simply work all the time. Yes.. a boring choice but it works. :)
The Holy Diver is a bit of a strange beast. I've been fighting with it every since I got it. You have to have it close to the strings, these pickups are very light and smooth on the attack, and you really have to dig in. Also I find it really needs a boost, no matter if you are using it with a high gain amp or in the case modeller. It's a very clear sounding pickup, all the strings really ring out in a chord, very thick, but I can't get past this seemingly weird output and pick attack. It's mids are also in a weird place and you can't dial them out. It's a great pickup for recording I think, again very clear, but for live work I think I'm going back to my trusty Super Distortion. I really wanted to like this pickup, it seemed on paper to be exactly what I wanted, but for me it's just not working out either.

Ya. I think I'm gonna switch to aftermath once I get the funds.
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