Balancing time being a musician with getting laid….

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I may of touched some nerves.

I don’t really date models half my age. They are around age 30 plus or minus 5 years.
3 possibilities the way I see it.

1) The "models" you are dating are insufferable so after you bed them you run.
2) The "models" you are dating find you insufferable so after you bed them they run.
3) At 40+ you have serious commitment issues which causes you to pass on the rare sweet hotties that may come along (you might meet 2 of these in a lifetime - I met one and married her).

If option 3 is you then meet my Older Bro - 62 years old, alone, no longer "hot" himself, he wants a younger woman but none of them want him (because that's just creepy). So he has meaningless sex with skanks (when he can get it now which is rare), while he hopes for something more but deep down realizes it will probably never happen for him now. It is an awesome recipe for being shallow and perpetually miserable - which he is.
What do you "practice 3-6 hrs a day"?

U2 covers according to other threads so he can play "events" with producers as a solo artist to backing tracks and earn the big cabbage.


Eyes Twitching GIF

One of the "models".
3 possibilities the way I see it.

1) The "models" you are dating are insufferable so after you bed them you run.
2) The "models" you are dating find you insufferable so after you bed them they run.
3) At 40+ you have serious commitment issues which causes you to pass on the rare sweet hotties that may come along (you might meet 2 of these in a lifetime - I met one and married her).

If option 3 is you then meet my Older Bro - 62 years old, alone, no longer "hot" himself, he wants a younger woman but none of them want him (because that's just creepy). So he has meaningless sex with skanks (when he can get it now which is rare), while he hopes for something more but deep down realizes it will probably never happen for him now. It is an awesome recipe for being shallow and perpetually miserable - which he is.

Actually I am looking for ideal gf's. I do bed beautiful women along the way to finding my ideal matches. Not every 9 I bed will make for an ideal girlfriend, and just because a woman and I may have sex doesn't mean either of us is looking to settle.

I really thought as musicians I would find a more opened minded likeness when it came to sex, or at least understanding how other people live.

We're living in 2023 -- in the world of a modern hookup culture. Not the 1980's.

In a world where freedom of expression is everything I don't see why that can't relate to sex.

Next thing we'll hear is how people hate gays, or bi's (who have 3sums) etc.
Mate - I’ve seen your videos.
I am no virtuoso myself, and am lucky to get 3 hours playing per week… but I advise you to concentrate on your timing. When playing music, you need your timing to be rock solid.
If you sort out your timing, more girls will want to fuck you, and you can treat that as a workout.

Actually I am looking for ideal gf's. I do bed beautiful women along the way to finding my ideal matches. Not every 9 I bed will make for an ideal girlfriend, and just because a woman and I may have sex doesn't mean either of us is looking to settle.

I really thought as musicians I would find a more opened minded likeness when it came to sex, or at least understanding how other people live.

We're living in 2023 -- in the world of a modern hookup culture. Not the 1980's.

In a world where freedom of expression is everything I don't see why that can't relate to sex.

Next thing we'll hear is how people hate gays, or bi's (who have 3sums) etc.
Since I can't workout on days I play the guitar due to back pain I was organizing myself like this:

Morning 7-11 -- Erands
Afternoons -- 1-4 Practice guitar
Evenings -- 6-8 Exercise (I won't get back pain on the guitar if I workout AFTER I play the guitar)
Social Events/Bars etc - Weekends since I'm not gigging right now and want a social life too.
Sundays -- Visit family

Still going out ONLY 1x week like on a Fri night or Sat, it get's real hard trying to meet women.
I haven't had any luck online in the last 5 years. It's like the game is totally different there.
Lot's of models in the bar scene go gaga over me putting their numbers in my phone and saying Y to dates, but it's hard to meet up with them with my busy schedule as their schedules are also busy and they usually work weekends.

I'm hoping the models at the bar all talk to each other about me and set me up with a great candidate so I can stop endlessly searching.

There's nothing more I'd like than an hb9 girlfriend so I can focus on the guitar more. In fact someone whose not just an hb9 but also important in the music scene. That would really enhance everything including my future in the industry. :)
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Since I can't workout on days I play the guitar due to back pain I was organizing myself like this:

Morning 7-11 -- Erands
Afternoons -- 1-4 Practice guitar
Evenings -- 6-8 Exercise (I won't get back pain on the guitar if I workout AFTER I play the guitar)
Social Events/Bars etc - Weekends since I'm not gigging right now and want a social life too.
Sundays -- Visit family

Still going out ONLY 1x week like on a Fri night or Sat, it get's real hard trying to meet women.
I haven't had any luck online in the last 5 years. It's like the game is totally different there.
Lot's of models in the bar scene go gaga over me putting their numbers in my phone and saying Y to dates, but it's hard to meet up with them with my busy schedule as listed above.
So you’re independently wealthy?

You're in your 40s and your whole day every day consists of errands, guitar practice and working out?

I'll be completely honest, the more you post here the more I feel like we're all getting trolled...
I wish I could focus on just playing the guitar and nothing else and make myself a guitar virtuoso, but I was born with wandering eyes,
Guitar virtuosos are a dime a dozen.

Time to grow the F' up dude! You sound exactly like my older bro. I already told you how his life turned out. He had an endless stream of so-called hotties for years - thought he was living the life.

Now he is just a lonely old man. You are getting close to the age where you will not be able to have kids and enjoy them, engage with them, etc. Those are regrets that end up irreversible - they did for my my bro. I wouldn't wish his life now on anyone. Kids are everything in terms of the meaning of life.

I experienced enough playing the field when I was young (like 20 something not 40 something like you). I figured out it was a shallow, selfish and vapid way to live. I hope you figure it out soon (you aren't young) or I'm sorry for your inevitable future.
So you’re independently wealthy?

You're in your 40s and your whole day every day consists of errands, guitar practice and working out?

I'll be completely honest, the more you post here the more I feel like we're all getting trolled...
I'm not a troll.

Yes I'm financially free. I went to University for mathematics, computer science, accounting. I worked corporate world most of my early life in the stock market for big firms where I hit it big.
You could say by age 30 I was retired.

Guitar for me was age 7-15, and age 30 to current (post 40 yo).
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