Bad day.

I can relate. I had my wah kicked up to the toe when I turned on my AxeFx III one day. It put me on a 3 hour panic attack, chasing down chords, resetting presets, reloading IRs. You gotta admit the relief you feel once you discover it's something minor is worth any hazing you might catch here on the forum.
The Dean V with active Fishmans is brand new to me I've only ever played passive. Gladly now because of you guys I've learned my lesson. I would've never figured this out today. Maybe next week sometime 🤣
Rolling my eyes as I’m right in the middle of installing Fishman Devin Townsend PUPS in my ESP M-1000. Thinking maybe I should just order the rechargeable battery pack..... Does anyone know If they drain the 9v quicker than EMG81’s?
I can relate. I had my wah kicked up to the toe when I turned on my AxeFx III one day. It put me on a 3 hour panic attack, chasing down chords, resetting presets, reloading IRs. You gotta admit the relief you feel once you discover it's something minor is worth any hazing you might catch here on the forum.
I did something similar with the recent dynacab betas. Was playing my strat one day, installed the latest beta the next and everything sounded terrible. Same cabs and everything. Spent almost an hour trying to figure out what was going on. Dummy me had rolled off the tone pot instead of the volume pot the night before...
I did something similar with the recent dynacab betas. Was playing my strat one day, installed the latest beta the next and everything sounded terrible. Same cabs and everything. Spent almost an hour trying to figure out what was going on. Dummy me had rolled off the tone pot instead of the volume pot the night before...
I’ve dialed in a preset, got it perfect. And then looked and my tone knob to see it’s half off. Then I redo the preset. Or my favorite is playing live and tuning down the volume knob, and then hear a signal and realize I accidentally turned down the tone knob instead of volume. Doesn’t happen often, but a handful of times a year
Fishman Devin Townsend PUPS in my ESP M-1000. Thinking maybe I should just order the rechargeable battery pack..... Does anyone know If they drain the 9v quicker than EMG81’s?
Never had EMGs, but Fishman Abasi's will drain normal battery in two weeks if the guitar plugged in 5-8 hours a day (three-four weeks if you unplug it often - I don't), no matter the brand (don't waste your money on brands, promising "much longer battery life - not going to happen); and drains the rechargeable battery in one week exactly (not the Li battery though).
I wish I've bought the battery pack back then, I've spent way more money and had my share of "why I don't have/like my sound today?" using batteries within the first year. After some time I've even learned how to tell the exact moment the battery will stop working - single-coil mode sounds same as humbucking mode. Dead giveaway the battery has its last breath. The problem with this is that you've already adjusted you preset to compensate... :)
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Ah, that 10 minutes between sweat breaking out on your forehead, heart sinking, butterfly in stomach (oh no not my $2400 Turbo!) TO after sex euphoria after you find out that Output 1&2 was all the way down, A shunt in preset wasn't connected, Xvive wireless gone dead, volume on pickup was on 0..."God, I'm a dumbass!"
Ah, that 10 minutes between sweat breaking out on your forehead, heart sinking, butterfly in stomach (oh no not my $2400 Turbo!) TO after sex euphoria after you find out that Output 1&2 was all the way down, A shunt in preset wasn't connected, Xvive wireless gone dead, volume on pickup was on 0..."God, I'm a dumbass!"
Few days ago early in a morning I've decided to install fw22.01. After downloading and installing it I was horrified by fact that most of my presets are empty and axe edit shows reading errors... Panic... Restarting axefx didn't help... No backups... What should I do?
Ok I should try to reinstall the firmware - run the fractal bot again. Hands are shaking, mouth is dry... I select my device in the list and see a note that fw22.01 is available... And I'm currently running 21.01... That was really stupid.
I download all files for axefx in same folder so I chose a wrong file first... maximally inattentive...
Never had EMGs, but Fishman Abasi's will drain normal battery in two weeks if the guitar plugged in 5-8 hours a day (three-four weeks if you unplug it often - I don't), no matter the brand (don't waste your money on brands, promising "much longer battery life - not going to happen); and drains the rechargeable battery in one week exactly (not the Li battery though).
I wish I've bought the battery pack back then, I've spent way more money and had my share of "why I don't have/like my sound today?" using batteries within the first year. After some time I've even learned how to tell the exact moment the battery will stop working - single-coil mode sounds same as humbucking mode. Dead giveaway the battery has its last breath. The problem with this is that you've already adjusted you preset to compensate... :)
Great info and much appreciated.
...don't waste your money on brands, promising "much longer battery life - not going to happen...
True. But be wary of bargain-basement brands. Some of them are good, but some are not. We used to consume AA batteries at a pretty high rate. Figured we’d save a few dollars and try some Amazon Basics batteries. They lasted about half as long as what we’re used to. Tried another batch, and they were fine. The only difference was country of origin. The brand was the same.
Great add! In the end, just before going the rechargeable road, I've settled down with GP Supers. They seem to strike a perfect balance between money spent and battery life gained, and very reliable (never had a bad batch).
Tests below are not mine, but I have tried many brands from this list and their life longetivity in guitar matches these results. The difference in money spent between GP and Duracell was never worth it for me.
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I did something similar with the recent dynacab betas. Was playing my strat one day, installed the latest beta the next and everything sounded terrible. Same cabs and everything. Spent almost an hour trying to figure out what was going on. Dummy me had rolled off the tone pot instead of the volume pot the night before...
lol. I went a half day not realizing they the dyna cabs have to be re-assigned after each upgrade (at least that’s the way it worked out for me). I started taking screen shots.

I still like legacy IR’s for casual/daily playing. But the Dyna’s cut thru when playing along with a playlist. I can hear both the song and my guitar clearly, like in a rehearsal room. Probably means my IRs need more mids but I’m looking for close to amp in the room when I pick up and play.
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