Backing Tracks Set up

Chris the Moderator mentioned earlier in this thread that the Ax8 doesnt have a usb audio interface. Is a regular usb interface different from an audio one?
Yes, the usb connection to the AX8 is so you can use AXE-EDIT. It doesnt carry audio like an interface. You will simply use 2 USB's one to your Focusrite scarlette , and one to your AX8. Im using it right now as we speak :)
Chris the Moderator mentioned earlier in this thread that the Ax8 doesnt have a usb audio interface. Is a regular usb interface different from an audio one?
USB is a way to connect digital equipment together. A USB audio interface is a USB interface that can send audio over that USB channel. The AX8 can send MIDI over its USB interface, but not audio.
Stratavarious had said:

"Hey Krankle,
For headphones just get a scarlette 2i2 , Usb to windows or Mac. Plug AX8 to L and R inputs , plug
headphones into Scarlette. Now just play your backing track on the PC and you will hear both."
Stratavarious, I'm assuming with this set up that you've described, my guitar will be plugged into the Axe FX?

And if I want to record vocals, I'm thinking just disconnect the Ax8 from the Scarlett and then plug a mic into the Scarlett, yes? (unless a recording mic can plug into the Ax8, doubtful??)
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