AxeFXSend : A tiny tool for auditioning IRs or presets

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Do you know what would be great? If the software sends the files in this folder one by one automatically. So that every few seconds (make the time adjustable) the next file will be send automatically. This would be a great way to audition every file in the folder and you have your hands free to play the guitar :D
It's what i'm actually programming ;) Will be in the next version in few minuts
OK, since you're on a insane roll now... :)
Maybe add a function that when zipping thru files you could somehow mark them(Keyboard shortcut?)? Like adding them as favourites for this session and after you've gone through auditioning a folder you could bring up only the favourites for further auditioning?
It doesn't necessarily have to copy them to another location, but just being able to bring up those that were interesting in the first run you did, maybe written to a simple hidden text file that will be overwritten the next time you choose new favourites? Or maybe you could choose to save favourites for different sessions, like TAF Mixes Favourites...

OK, enough brainstorming, back to auditioning cabs!
OK, since you're on a insane roll now... :)
Maybe add a function that when zipping thru files you could somehow mark them(Keyboard shortcut?)? Like adding them as favourites for this session and after you've gone through auditioning a folder you could bring up only the favourites for further auditioning?
It doesn't necessarily have to copy them to another location, but just being able to bring up those that were interesting in the first run you did, maybe written to a simple hidden text file that will be overwritten the next time you choose new favourites? Or maybe you could choose to save favourites for different sessions, like TAF Mixes Favourites...

OK, enough brainstorming, back to auditioning cabs!
Very good idea !
Will be done in next version :)
OK, haha!

I hope I'm not asking for too much but world peace and a solution to the climate change would be nice, but I guess that may be a major version, like 1.0? :encouragement:
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OK, since you're on a insane roll now... :)
Maybe add a function that when zipping thru files you could somehow mark them(Keyboard shortcut?)? Like adding them as favourites for this session and after you've gone through auditioning a folder you could bring up only the favourites for further auditioning?
It doesn't necessarily have to copy them to another location, but just being able to bring up those that were interesting in the first run you did, maybe written to a simple hidden text file that will be overwritten the next time you choose new favourites? Or maybe you could choose to save favourites for different sessions, like TAF Mixes Favourites...

OK, enough brainstorming, back to auditioning cabs!
I've uploaded 0.6.1beta.
It allows you to select the IRs/presets you like when browsing a folder.
Just click the Select button or hit space key to put the current auditioned IR/Preset in the list, then on app exit you'll be asked what to do.
You'll be able to copy the list (text data), or to copy the files directly to the folder of your choice.
Hi Al!
Downloaded the latest 0.6.2 and now all buttons, Prev, Next, etc..., are greyed out. the arrows keyboard press dont work either to step thru files? A bug? Windows 7 64 bit.
I can still drag files to AxeSend window anad they load though.
Hi Al!
Downloaded the latest 0.6.2 and now all buttons, Prev, Next, etc..., are greyed out. the arrows keyboard press dont work either to step thru files? A bug? Windows 7 64 bit.
I can still drag files to AxeSend window anad they load though.
I've just uploaded a new version, tell me if you still have problems ?
You must drag & drop a folder on the window in order to get those buttons/keys functional ;)

Ah, yes of course! I did that before but now i only dropped a file.
But maybe that functionality could be implemented even if you just drop a file too? :)
If you have hundreds of Cabs in a folder and wanna start with a cab in the middle, the program can read what folder it is and start from the dropped file?
Well, not important at all really...

How does it read the files in the folder? By name? Or can it somehow detect how i sort the files in the folder? Like if i have sorted files by newest, will it sort prev and next by that?
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