AxeFXSend : A tiny tool for auditioning IRs or presets

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We should start a petition to have Fractal give Al all info regarding midi.
This is the best tool ever for easy and fast auditioning.
I'm just missing one little thing,
If a XL user wants to give me access to his desktop via remote connexion, with a XL connected, MIDI-OX and AxeEdit installed, i could solve the bug :)
Wish it could send the files to both CAB1 and CAB2 at the same time. This is due to stereo usage of Ultra Res. Needed to cab blocks of same IRs...
One little question... Do I need to uninstall the previous version or only erase the desktop shortcut ? Before downloading this new version?
Btw many thanks Al , great tool !
Version 0.9.7 released : You can now choose (your choice is kept between sessions) which CAB block is set to the IRs you send : CAB1, CAB2 or both.
(But always the left/mono setting of the CAB blocks)

!!!!? Wow... Didn't see that coming... like in an hour...
Late to the party and not used YET ...
But I just realised a previous wish of mine :)

My very "not urgent" wish would be: command line functionality for a filename and "auto-quit"

Yes, I realise this is not necessary when all is working like it's supposed to, but sometimes this "auto-opening a file with associated program" functionality can break in Windows. Command line functionality would bring rock solid confidence :) Like this, you could also keep the default association with another program you prefer.

"But for what??" you say...?

Some time ago (when I had more time and inclination to do this) I was dreaming of making a FileMaker database for presets / IRs. These are fairly easy to make into something very cool and handy if you have some intermediate experience with it. If you have a legal FileMaker Advanced version, you are also allowed to distribute free working versions of an app. In such a database you can add loads more nice info / pics and cool functionality than on AxeChange.

But what would be needed is preferably AxeEdit with command line functionality, or way better: an in all respects faster command line tool like... THIS could be :)
You then have a lightning fast way to find any preset and audition, potentially seperated for all your different Axe-FX devices, firmware versions, and other categories people would propose.

I probably won't have time or inclination to make this soon, but the day may come (don't count on it though), esp. if the command line functionality *does* exist :)

Since such a solution would everytime have to run the .exe with the file as a command line parameter, it *has to* be a small fast opening utility like this. You cannot wait for something like AxeEdit to start up each time.

Oh yes: AxeSend would ideally need some auto-quit functionality (that can be added in the command line parameter?), so the database doesn't have to "kill" it by other means.
(I *am*assuming that you can not send command line parameters when the program is running?)

Anyone who wants can run with this idea, cos I have other projects waiting...
But I may still try it out if you could add the functionality :)

Néanmoins: un Grand Merci déjà ;)
vAmp : All your wishes are already there ! :)
AxeFXSend supports commandline : AxeFXSend toto.syx will send the file to the scratchpad and auto exit, just like double-clicking on a .syx file ;)
Awesome! :cheerful:

But won't it currently make AxeSend the associated program, even with a command line parameter?
Not that I mind, but I can imagine a situation where I prefer to by default have them associated with a FAS program, etc.
Awesome! :cheerful:

But won't it currently make AxeSend the associated program, even with a command line parameter?
Not that I mind, but I can imagine a situation where I prefer to by default have them associated with a FAS program, etc.
Yes, for now AxeFXSend auto-associates itself to the .syx files, as i don't have a setup program... But i may add the option in next release ;)
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