AxeFX with Atomic Reactor 112-50?


New Member
Hi All,

I've been lurking for a while, and I think I've moved past the stage of being mildly interested in the AxeFX, and moved on to the stage of really wanting one.

I currently have an Atomic 112-50 that I use with a POD. I read in the specs for the AxeFX that it has a special output mode for Atomic amps. Is that mode for the current line of Atomic amps, or is it a feature for the future FRFR amp?

Is anyone using the AxeFX with any of the current atomic amps? How do you like the setup? I'd probably eventually opt for the new FRFR amp, but I'm guessing they're going to be hard to come by at first, and I'd have to finish paying for the Axe before I could even consider getting one anyway.

Thanks in advance for any feedback!
rocky said:
Hi All,

I've been lurking for a while, and I think I've moved past the stage of being mildly interested in the AxeFX, and moved on to the stage of really wanting one.

I currently have an Atomic 112-50 that I use with a POD. I read in the specs for the AxeFX that it has a special output mode for Atomic amps. Is that mode for the current line of Atomic amps, or is it a feature for the future FRFR amp?

Is anyone using the AxeFX with any of the current atomic amps? How do you like the setup? I'd probably eventually opt for the new FRFR amp, but I'm guessing they're going to be hard to come by at first, and I'd have to finish paying for the Axe before I could even consider getting one anyway.

Thanks in advance for any feedback!

I am not aware of any special output mode for the atomic amps in the AFX.... It might be introduced at some point but only Fractal Audio can tell ..

Never used Atomic amps so can't say much about them with AFX,

mik said:
I am not aware of any special output mode for the atomic amps in the AFX.... It might be introduced at some point but only Fractal Audio can tell ..

Never used Atomic amps so can't say much about them with AFX,



Thanks for the reply. Interesting -- The "atomic mode" is mentioned in the "Studio or Stage" section at the bottom of this page:

I think this was asked before and not "officially" answered.
I can't find the post anymore but I do recall someone suggesting a way to overcome the fact that the Reactor is not a FRFR amp (it has the top end rolled off to compensate for the fizz of traditional modellers). I'll look around again and see if I can find it.
I spoke with Tom King about this also and asked if by adding say a piezo tweeter one could get some of it back. His response wasn't very encouraging.
Pity really because I would like to use my Reactor for the Axe but it just doesn't have the "edge".
Mark Allread said:
I think this was asked before and not "officially" answered.
I can't find the post anymore but I do recall someone suggesting a way to overcome the fact that the Reactor is not a FRFR amp (it has the top end rolled off to compensate for the fizz of traditional modellers). I'll look around again and see if I can find it.
I spoke with Tom King about this also and asked if by adding say a piezo tweeter one could get some of it back. His response wasn't very encouraging.
Pity really because I would like to use my Reactor for the Axe but it just doesn't have the "edge".


Thanks for the info -- It's not what I was hoping to hear, but good to know anyway.

Pity really because I would like to use my Reactor for the Axe but it just doesn't have the "edge".

I have already proposed a solution to this issue but as I'm just a little French who doesn't even own an AxeFX, it's like shouting out loud in the desert... :lol:

Nevertheless, maybe you'll be interested by my humble answers here: ... 5&tstart=0

FYI, I experiment around guitar stuff since the 80's. Getting old... :roll: ...and I post here only to be useful. Hope it's the case. See ya!
Blending some direct sound with the cab model can overcome the Atomic's lack of FR ability. Personally, I find I like the cabs off and just use them like conventional speakers but of course you lose the cab modeling.
FractalAudio said:
Blending some direct sound with the cab model can overcome the Atomic's lack of FR ability.

Cliff just gave me the idea that this is also true, to some extent, with a regular guitar speaker as well.
I.e. That if I mix in some direct signal along with a cab sim that I might be able to more successfully use the cab sims, to some extent, through my EVM-12Ls.

But since the Cab Block doesn't have a Mix parameter, what's the best way to do this?
If I put a Cab Block on a different Layout Level and route it in parallel to the main signal chain, then the only way I seem to be able to adjust the relative balance between the signal with the cab sim and the direct signal is by boosting or lowering the Level parameter of the Cab Block. This works, but doesn't seem to be the best way to do this. What's the best way?

Is it worth adding a Wish List request for a Mix parameter in the Cab Block?
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