Axe2 Preset building

Note for Clarky

resetting an amp note:
this defaults all of the amp:EQ bands to 0
this also defaults the MV
here's the plan:
the Riff/Solo amps [5153Red / VH4ch4] and Clean/Solo amps [Hiwatt Normal / 5153Red] are the only amp types I currently use
- go into Riff/Solo1 and note all amp:EQ band settings and MV for both amps
- reset both amps
- save both amps as globals linked
- go into all other Riff/SoloX presets and load linked the two amps
- repeat this process for Clean/Solo
the amp's current modifier assigns and settings will be unchanged
amp:EQ / MV corrections will be applied to all presets using these amps because they're globally linked

Clarky, any chance you will build another preset using FW10 and scenes?

This has been a great informative thread, and I really hope to learn more.
pain in the rear compatibility job:

I have two possible live rigs:
1 - a pair of Axe's [one loaned for now] controlled by the MFC
2 - an Axe with a VG-99 as a backup, both controlled by the FC-300 / FS-6

with the Axe / VG rig I've encountered a bit of a prob....
I've found that with the FC-300 controlling the Axe, the FS-6 switches are of course not 'polled' by the Axe for their state
this means that when I change from preset 1 to preset 2 with the FC-300 I'm immediately in solo mode with the misc fx also on

to fix this I have to goof around with the modifiers controlling solo mode and the misc fx to ensure that switching takes me into riff mode only..
a time consuming pain in the rear...
but something that needs fixing none the less..

the other job [now fixed]
- the VH4ch4 was much quieter than the 5153Red so they needed rebalancing
- the Hiwatt was very soft and needed a boost [I think it's roughly right]

Globals to the rescue
all of my amps and GEQs are now set up as linked globals
fix one and you fix them all

when I have my basic presets mended [which are used for general work and the DC Band] I'll get stuck back into the Prym8 presets
these are the ones I'm seriously interested in cos they are built around scenes / X-Y
also, they are not intended to be backed up by the VG
and as such they will be driven solely by the MFC
gloves off.... no holds barred...

so unfortunately [and uninterestingly] I'm just getting all my fundamentals back to square one as a result of 10
tone wise.. I have to say without doubt, that so far my presets seem to be taking to 10 quite well..
control wise, they're taking some effort to get straight again
Clarky, any chance you will build another preset using FW10 and scenes?

This has been a great informative thread, and I really hope to learn more.

when I've got my 9.02 presets working in 10 [in readiness for the tour] I'll be looking at my new generation presets..
scenes, X-Y, dual CC messaging from the MFC sits right at the core of them...

so yes... they are coming...
given that so many amps have altered [in a very nice way] and also that so many new cabs have arrived
I want to go back to my AmpLab preset first and start finding interesting combinations...

my intention [if I can get it right control wise] is to riff on a pair of X side amps in scene1
solo on amp1:Y in scene2 and have a real clean amp on amp2:Y in scene3
the difficulty is that the X and Y modifiers are bound together..
this means experimenting with 4 volume blocks so that I can replace the control that would have been assigned to the input trim so that I can effectively create some sort of independence between the amp's X and Y sides outside of the amp block...
fiddly stuff...
pain in the rear compatibility job:

I have two possible live rigs:
1 - a pair of Axe's [one loaned for now] controlled by the MFC
2 - an Axe with a VG-99 as a backup, both controlled by the FC-300 / FS-6

mended [well I think it is... lmao]

so I'm now ready to start working on my new Prym8 presets
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I can't wait to hear if you find a work around x and y modifier links!!

I have been racking my brain on this one for a while.

I really want morphing to work for me but scenes are powerful to....ahhhgggh.

What wonderful problems to have.
my solution [so far it's just a theory] is to address some of the signal level control outside of the amp block..

going to conduct a few experiments later....
I was thinking along the same lines "in theory ". I have been holding off any major experimentation for the release of 10. Well its game on time now.
question for any of you guys that have been following my ramblings.....

my FW10 Prym8 presets
would you prefer I keep them in this thread or start a fresh one just dedicated to them??
I would like to see a fresh thread that is stickied to the top of the page...yea, its that good.

I would also like a condensed printable version of this thread archived. Yep, it was that good.

If you put together a CD on this subject matter I would buy it. Your teaching style is first class.
Also, why have you not submitted your sheet to Fractal. I have listened to alot of your stuff. No question you should be on Artist page.

You are a great guitar player and your contributions to this community are greatly appreciated.
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haaa... thanks matey....

you've given me an idea..
I will start a new thread for the Prym8 presets...
it'll contain everything you need
with respect to the details, this will include / supersede all the principles / ideas in here..

all the Axe / MFC / XP / XS / MIDI stuff...
plus performance notes
and as with this thread, pics, audio and sysex files

also... as I'm not as noob with the Axe as I was at the start of this thread, there will be far less exploratory stuff...

with respect to FAS and me being a 'FAS artist'
they've never approached me [maybe I need to sell more CD's... lol]...
I already have many endorsements and sponsorships..
should FAS approach me some day I'd accept for sure [I only get behind kit I believe in.. and of course the Axe is right up there..]

I have a few minor fixes to complete on my stock presets...
then I'll start the new thread about my new generation presets
which btw I'm very excited about...
A fresh start sounds like a great plan to me. I had to do some serious digging the other night to find what I was after : )

I will echo MT....your contributions here are magnificent!
I have a few minor fixes to complete on my stock presets...
then I'll start the new thread about my new generation presets
which btw I'm very excited about...

How different are your Prym8 presets from your "stock" ?

If they're radically different, I'd like one more look at the "stock" before you move one !

the new ones are very different cos all the scenes stuff...

here's what 10 has done to my current stock presets...

- morph to clean is now massively to soft
not only do I need to find the new min input-trim levels, I'll need to check that the two riffing amps clean up at the same rate...
this can be very time consuming - not gotten around to this yet..

- the VH4ch4 was a fair bit quieter than the 5153Red
I've fixed this by dropping the 5153Red by a few dB and boosting the VH4 by a few

- the Hiwatt level vanished in the clean preset
I've got this reasonably close to where it was before

tone wise they're very similar to before but maybe a little less bright
so I have a little eq work to do on them..

the biggest difference I guess is getting them to behave [controller wise] the way they did before...

the plan..
given that my tour is not scheduled for later in the year
and that I [us guys in Prym8] want to get moving ASAP
and that the DC Band album is all reamping [just amp and cab with no controller frills
I'm going to 10000000% nail the Prym8 presets now
when I have tour confirmation from the DC Band I'll completely fix my stock presets
so I'm going to manage my time on a need basis

I suspect that my new Prym8 presets will become my new stock ones
my current stock ones will only remain whilst there is a chance that I'll be needing to tour with the Axe with the VG as a backup
when I eventually have two Axe's, everything changes because I'll no longer need to replicate the same performance characteristics of the VG on the Axe

is there anything specific you wanted to know regarding my current stock presets???
O.K., well in that case then .... let's just move on !

I didn't realize that v10 changed more than just the basic "tone" for you, so it doesn't make any sense to look at where you're at now if it's not where you ultimately want to end up with them ....

I was thinking that w/ scenes you were going to move away from morphing and I didn't want to let that go without understanding it better !

That's all !


my new presets will combine tone morphing with scenes and x-y
think of what I have now..
then slap on a turbo and a NOS kit
Now that we have FW11 gorgeousness...

I'm going back to my original presets to give them a revamp...

the principle mission here is to try some new amp and cab combinations..
LOL...Every new firmware release sends you back through the amp inventory, searching for the the new best. Take what time you need. We'll be here.
Clarky, have you ever compared your presets through 'the ages'? By that I mean have you ever stuck in previous firmwares and compared patches?
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