Axe2 Preset building

By the way, your preset here on page 5 sounds really great! While I may have used a slightly different amp flavors for clean and crunch, the morphing you accomplished is perfect... and so expressive! Way to go!

I love the morphing stuff...
it's right at the heart of my playing style now..
just can't live without it..

glad you like it.. it's certainly fun stuff...
for those of you thinking "if you have an MFC, why are you messing with the FC-300?"

answer = money and time
and nothing else...

for me to get all the control behaviours I'd like to have, I'd have to buy an additional FS-6, an FV-500 and an XP with a toe switch
and do a major CC re-jig on my VG-99 [my backup rig]

given that I have an FC-300 laying around, that can already work with the VG, and can easily talk to the Axe..
and.... provide additional IA / XP facilities...
I'm simply 'sweating' the kit I already own rather than going out and buy more

NOTE: in the event that an MFC upgrade enables us to config the switches individually so that I can have IA's on the front row and preset switches to the rear
plus... I get my 2nd Axe-II [which is I guess simply a matter of time]
then I'll switch back to the MFC, retire the FS-6 and add another FV-500 and an XP with a toe switch
and then... I'll get back all the lovely Axe sysex..
I'm going to try an experiment
use the MFC for preset switching and the FC-300 for control
I've toyed with the same idea for years: one controller for preset switching and one for control. If my FC-200 could do a reasonable job of both ad once, I'd be (sort of) satisfied, but in preset mode, only one switch is available for CC switching, and some stuff just screams for "more on the floor."
Now... with 2 separate amp chains in the same preset, regardless which is enabled (scene 1 or 2) there is a unwanted signal boost which are not on the original presets, and the reduction to mono. Both original presets are in stereo.
Sounds like you're using "Thru" for bypass mode. Try "Mute" instead.
I'm currently looking into ways of using scenes to compress / simplify my config..
essentially, all level / pan / bypass controls will be done via scenes
I can also bring in x-y via scenes to add more tonal options..
this will free up several modifiers that I can use for more fun and games...
also, it'll mean [hopefully] that I can drop the mixer blocks and my "matrix" solution, replacing them with something more efficient
I'm eager to see what you come up with, Clarky. Scenes seem slick, but not so conducive to morphing.
ha.. I'm not using scenes for morpthing..
when I make the switch from riff to solo a pile of stuff happens..
some of this bypass switching, level changes and panning
so rather than use modifiers, I can use a scene to do all this and therefore claw some modifiers back..
and although scenes are not modifier selectable but 'unit wide', I kinda bit the bullet and gave them a try..
I've always suspected that they could rationalise my config to some degree...
my config is complex and I'm acutely aware that scene inclusion would be a considerable piece of effort..
but I now have a small hole in my diary and I've decided to use this for further experimentation with a view to integrating scenes into my config..
essentially, let's get them in and all that effort out of the way..
although I've always been very keen on the idea of x-y but never keen on the behaviour..
I don't know how, but scenes seems to have fixed all that...
so.. I goofed with a 3rd scene for clean via x-y...
I've added the Hiwatt and JCM800 for clean tones in scene 3...
the prob is that the modifiers remain attached from the x side of the amp
this is a bit of a pain in the rear because I'd like lower drive settings..
I'm considering adding a 3rd vol block to sort this out..
Sounds like you're using "Thru" for bypass mode. Try "Mute" instead.

I know right? Seems like the obvious fix, but all my bypass modes are "mute." I think I'm going to start over and approach this more like Clarky's diagram. Two amps, but only one signal stream. That way I can more quickly get to expression pedal morphing and spend less time trying to fix my unknowns.
I have broken your block by block description on page 5 to just the triggers and pedals and was hoping you would clarify a few of them. (see below)
I personally have three expression pedals, but all of them are sweeping heel-to-toe type pedals. No switches to click, or buttons to press. Are yours?

On your phaser block, you say ext 3 is triggered by exp switch 2. Is that a Mission style pedal where you have the sweep and the click?

On the Amp1 block, why did you tell us that the solo button (ext5/exp1) changes nothing here?

On the Reverb1 block, how does ext5 know you are not in Solo mode? Specifically how is Solo mode engaged?

Delay2: I love that you set bypass mode to mute fx in, thus allowing delay to spill when exiting solo mode. But again assigned to ext5 for solo mode?
The grammar here reads like there is a condition to tell the switch it is in solo mode.
Is Ext5 the only switch for turning on Solo mode? Would you mind quickly listing your switches and functions? (If you already have elsewhere, just point me to the post. I appreciate your time!)


Clarky's Block description (from page 5) filtered by triggers

the compressor
the mix is assigned to extern 1 [exp pedal]

this is set to a univibe and kicks in when extern 3 is triggered by exp switch 2

Amp1 [Das Metall]/ Amp2 [PVH 6160]:
gain and input trim are assigned to extern 1
heel down reduces both parms to clean up the tone
when the solo button is hit [extern 5 / exp sw 1] nothing changes in here..

delay1: this guy's job is stereo widening
no parms are under control

Cab1: a pair of 1960B V30 cabs
Level is assigned to extern 5 [solo] to boost from 0dB to 4dB [this will be subject to change when dialling in for the band - it may not be quite enough, guessing 6dB will be required]

PEQ: this is used to fatten the clean tone
no parms are under control

the gain controls are both assigned to extern 1 [exp pedal 1]

pitch1: this provides a very gentle chorusing effect when the riffing tone cleans up...
mix is assigned to extern1, heel down=30%, toe down=0

pitch2: this adds a splash of colour to the soloing tone.. it makes harmonics etc stand out and gives the tone a little more character
bypass mode=thru and is assigned to extern5 [solo] so that this engages when the preset enters 'solo' mode..

reverb1: adds ambience
time is assigned to extern1 [exp pedal 1] / heel down=2.50s, tow down=0.8s so that the reverb shortens as the dirt increases
input gain is assigned to extern5 [solo] to that when not in solo mode, this drops to 60%, in solo mode increases to 100%
the soloing tone is therefore 'wetter'

delay2: this is only used in 'solo' mode..
bypass mode = mute fx in [allowing the delay to spill when coming out of solo mode] and is assigned to extern5 [engages in solo mode]

PEQ1: this is for general preset wide EQ
no parms are under control
I have broken your block by block description on page 5 to just the triggers and pedals and was hoping you would clarify a few of them. (see below)
I personally have three expression pedals, but all of them are sweeping heel-to-toe type pedals. No switches to click, or buttons to press. Are yours?

first thing....
my current config is quite different to that described in page 5..
what you see in this thread is a journey learning the Axe and my presets evolve based on trial and error..

for control I have:
- MFC: used only for selecting presets
- Boss FV-500 expression pedal [this has no toe switch and is only used for tone morphing]
- Boss FS-6: which is a pair of external switches
I prefer these to the IA switches on the MFC because:
--- I can use them with my heel on the ground
--- they are low to the ground
--- the switch action is softer
--- the switch is a bigger target for your foot to hit

FV-500 = XP1 [modifier: extern1]
FS-6 switch A = XS1 [modifier: extern5]
FS-6 switch B = XS2 [modifier: extern6]

On your phaser block, you say ext 3 is triggered by exp switch 2. Is that a Mission style pedal where you have the sweep and the click?

all that has changed
here is how I/O: CTRL is set up
ext ctrl 1 = CC16 / modifier extern1: used for XP1 [the FV-500: for tone morphing]
ext ctrl 2 = CC17 / modifier extern2: used for XP2 [reserved for a future expression pedal]
ext ctrl 3 = CC18 / modifier extern3: used for XP3 [reserved for a future expression pedal]
ext ctrl 4 = CC19 / modifier extern4: used for XP4 [reserved for a future expression pedal]
ext ctrl 5 = CC20 / modifier extern5: used for XP5 [the FS-6 switch A: solo mode switch]
ext ctrl 6 = CC21 / modifier extern6: used for XP6 [the FS-6 switch B: misc FX on/off switch]
ext ctrl 7 = CC22 / modifier extern7: used for XP7 [reserved for a future external switch]
ext ctrl 8 = CC23 / modifier extern8: used for XP8 [reserved for a future external switch]

so basically.. I've preconfigured everything so that adding new pedals and switches will be easy...

to answer this question, the phaser is triggered by ext ctrl 5 [FS-6 switch B]

On the Amp1 block, why did you tell us that the solo button (ext5/exp1) changes nothing here?

because at that time, hitting solo mode changed nothing in the amp block.. other things changed around it [vol / mixer2 etc]
now however that is a bit different..
in riff mode I run amp1 and amp2 simultaneously.. I like that fat tone of two amps panned hard / opposite..
in solo mode I preferred the clarity of a single amp [amp1 in this case]..
so when I switch to solo mode, the following happens to the amps:
- amp2 mutes
- amp1 pans to centre

On the Reverb1 block, how does ext5 know you are not in Solo mode?

if you look at my later config you'll see that the reverb is on all the time and that I use mixer2: gain3 to pull up the reverb and pitch wet signals
which blend with the 'dry [but with delay] signal coming through mixer2:gain2
that whole screwy config with the reverb / delay / pitch and mixer is something I came up with to behave as if I were using a pair of reverb and pitch blocks..
I nicknamed it 'the matrix'
essentially, the row1 path is the 'riff' tone wet signal and row3 is the 'solo' tone wet signal
so mixer:gain1 is assigned to modifier:extern1 and mixer:gain3 is assigned to modifier:extern5

Specifically how is Solo mode engaged?
stomp on FS-6 switch A to turn it on
FS-6 A is presented as XP1 in the MFC by virtue of the jack socket it's connected to
XP1 is assigned to MIDI: CC20 in the MFC
in the Axe: I/O: CTRL ext ctrl 5 is assigned to MIDI:CC 20
modifier: extern5 = ext ctrl 5 and so it reacts to the changing state of the MIDI data for CC20 [the FS-6 switch A]
all fx parameters assigned to modifier:extern5 will react to these changes bassed upon a combination of:
-- the incoming MIDI data [in this case switching things off and on]
-- the settings in the modifier itself [min / max etc]
it's essentially a "chain of command"

Delay2: I love that you set bypass mode to mute fx in, thus allowing delay to spill when exiting solo mode. But again assigned to ext5 for solo mode?

mix is assigned to extern1 so that when I morph back to clean I get stronger delay
bypass is assigned to extern5 so that the delay only sounds when I'm in solo mode

The grammar here reads like there is a condition to tell the switch it is in solo mode.
Is Ext5 the only switch for turning on Solo mode?

it's actually the other way around..
the switches state [off or on] dictates the mode
the Axe simply reacts to changes of the switch's state
this is done via the MIDI CC
the CC is actually two pieces of information
one is the CC number itself, the other is a numeric value
in the case of the switch, CC:20, value 0 = off and CC:20, value 127 = on
when I hit the FS-6 switch, the MFC electrically detects that the switch has changed state from off to on
the config I've done means that this switch is assigned to CC20, so the MFC spits out a MIDI message to the Axe - CC:20 value 127
so all my 'stuff' assigned to modifier: extern5 reacts [as configured within the modifier] to this incoming 'on' state
I hit the switch again and the MFC electrically detects the stage change to 'off' and spits out a MIDI message to the Axe - CC:20 value 0
and likewise, all my modifier: extern5 assigned 'stuff' reverts to it's 'not in solo mode' state

are you wanting me to list all of the modifier assignments and explain what they do?
are you wanting me to list all of the modifier assignments and explain what they do?

Clarky, I would love to see that detail, but only if it is convenient. You have already gone way out of your way for us(me), which I SO appreciate! Even this last posting is awesome!

I can't wait to try out these techniques tonight when I get home! You ROCK!
how about we kill 2 birds with 1 stone...

my current ST3 series presets are a little different to those described in here which go from my initial experiments up to my ST2 series
ST3 had a few changes as a result of the slight change in behaviour that came with fw8.0 [where the hi-gain amps got a little hotter]

I reckon fw10 may mean I need to make a few more changes...
plus, I'm experimenting with scenes right now to free up some modifiers..
many of my presets use 20 to 23 of the available 24 modifiers..
with scenes I reckon I can knock this back to the mid / high teens..

plus, my current experiments with the FC-300 has opened up even more control possibilities...
basically.. rather than buy more switches and pedals, I'm finding a way to get more out of the kit I have readily available to me..
no doubt this will change in the future as the MFC further develops [and when I get a 2nd Axe-II]

wait until fw10 comes out [as this is a biggie]
and when I've re-worked my presets, with the inclusion of scenes / x-y etc I'll get all down and dirty as to how they work....

in the mean time though... feel free to keep asking questions and talking about your config and experiments..
this is always interesting stuff...
tell ya what....
given that fw10 is 'soon'... if I get a spare mo, I'll write up my Riff/SoloST3 preset in detail...
there's a lot in there though so it'll take a while
- Boss FS-6: which is a pair of external switches
I prefer these to the IA switches on the MFC because:
--- I can use them with my heel on the ground
--- they are low to the ground
--- the switch action is softer
--- the switch is a bigger target for your foot to hit
I have a love/hate relationship with those Boss/Roland-style footswitches. I like them, for the reasons you mentioned. I hate them, because they have no tactile feedback. I can't count how many times I've thought I hit the switch but didn't hit it hard enough. Or didn't think I hit it hard enough, stomped it again, and wound up doing a double stomp.

My FC-200 would be a lot nicer to work with if it weren't for those darned switches.
thanks for the kudos and good vibe comments guys..
you've no idea how nice that makes me feel....
seriously.. thanks loads..
I seriously appreciate it...

and now... a little news...
I've just joined a new band..
it's going to be a mental prog trio..
lots of distressing time sigs, blood and snot heavy riffs, ambient moments, electronica, shameless playing and outright strangeness..

drums - Craig Blundell [of Frost / DC Band / Roland demonstrator / Premier World Ambassador]
bass - Mick Paul [of the DC Band / producer and all round insane player] <-- I'm trying to talk him into buying an Axe-II
guitars - Clarky [winner of egg and spoon race aged 6 / would have passed his bicycle proficiency test if it wasn't for the incident with the tree]

Mick and Craig are nothing short of insane players...
so what does this mean for my lil' black box???

I need to create new presets with a more 'metal' tone
plus I need a wide variety of ambient cleans.. my tone morphing and switching need to hit a new level of capability
I seriously need to get good with the looper and get more into the synth block..

I'm seriously excited about this...
I so hope this project works out.. cos there's some seriously ability and knowhow here..
I got all my lil' fingers and toes crossed...

and my Axe is about to get a reconfig it'll never forget... lol..

we are called Prym8
now here's a thought......

how's about I go through all my new experiments and cofig [blow by blow] for the Prym8 presets in here....
so like before, you can see the presets develop and evolve...
but this time there's a killer difference
I won't be learning how to drive the Axe as I go...

first job....
find amps and cabs for the new riffing tone..
the riffing tone will use two amps panned hard...
I want heavy and fat tones..
I would like to express my appreciation and grattitude for this thread.

Kindest Regards

I have considered Clarky a Mentor for a long time. He has gone so far out of his way to help me wrap my head around the way he uses modifiers and controllers and has completely changed the way I look at presets and control. You will find he thinks outside the box, which for a piece this advanced is the only way to utilize it's potential, and has had unending patience answering all of my questions without ever making me feel stupid. I still don't have a handle on his Matrix, lol......I have tried to break it down several times and just don't get the routing yet.
I have developed my own way of implementing his techniques that suit my needs, but that's what's great about his method, once you have a handle on how he uses modifiers, getting them to work for you is a lot easier. I am able to control and change almost everything I need to do using a single IA on the MFC and a simple Expression Pedal, all within one preset. No glitches, lags, latency or crazy spillover issues. Add another IA, or in Clarky's case a Ext Switch and another Expression pedal and the possibilities are mind blowing!

Now if we can just get the X-Y shared Modifier thing fixed, we could take over the world!! LOL

As always Clarky.........You Rock! Thanks for EVERYTHING!!
I seriously need to get good with the looper and get more into the synth block..

we are called Prym8

It is a good time to get into the looper!

Axe-Fx II Firmware Release Notes



New Looper feature "Trim" allows the user to trim the start and end points of the loop. Use Nav keys to select either Start or End and then turn the value wheel to adjust the trim. Modifiers can be attached to Start or End by hitting Enter when either one is selected. Also, this new page will show a playback indicator and drawing of the loop waveform.

New Looper parameter "Play Immediate" (on Page 2) determines if playback starts immediately after user presses "Record" to finish a recording. This allows flexibility to allow a user to record a loop and save it for later as opposed to always starting playback immediately (note that even if this parameter is set to OFF, the user could still press "Play" to finish a recording and have it start playing immediately).

User can now press "Overdub" to finish a recording and it will immediately go into Play w/Overdub mode.

Modifiers can now be attached to Looper Play, Reverse, and Half parameters. These can be attached on Page 2. The state of the parameters is indicated but cannot be changed from this page, only from Page 1. NOTE: Modifiers are IGNORED if Record mode is ON. This prevents the user from having to de-attach and re-attach modifiers when recording new loops.

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