AXE + Rocktron Midi Mate = WORKS!!

This is how simple it should be. Connected the Midimate to the AXE and BOOM everything works just as expected. Also got the phantom power thingy going thanks to the seller who sent a 7 pin MIDI cable!

Anyway, the midimate starts counting presets from 1 - 9 in the first bank and then you hit 0 for the 10 and then to second bank and so on. But why does the axe start off with 000? When I look at the midimate's, bank 9, the axe is still at preset no.008. Who starts off preset numbering from 0? Is there a way to make the presets start from 001? Or can I program the midimate to start off from 001 ? I already looked through the midimate's manual and could not spot anything that suggested I could. Or is there a way to use an external program and program all the presets?
Glad you like it! I love mine too. I can't remember exactly which menu it is under as I'm not in front of my Axe-Fx, but there is a way to change the preset offset on the Axe to match what you see on the MidiMate. Unfortunately patch #0 on the MidiMate does nothing no matter what you do, that's the only gripe I have about it.
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